Chapter 676

By the time they emerged, those people’s skins had begun to rot. Pus oozed from their skin, and blood trickled out of their mouths. They were going to die soon.

“Go after them! Don’t let them get away!” Two of the masked killers went after Natasha and the others. However, before they could even get past the door, a flash of light sliced their heads off cleanly.

“I’m your opponent.” Dustin stood in front of the door regally, holding a broken sword. Even the poisonous gas seemed afraid to go near him.

“Kill him! We need to avenge Gray Ghoul!”

With a loud cry, the killers charged toward Dustin. They utilized everything from weapons to poison and curses.

the bloody battle. Meanwhile, in the

up to us. We should

Caelus has been severely injured. We need to stop somewhere safe and treat his wounds as

was as white as a sheet. He was struggling to keep

to the meeting room. Our elite guards are having a meeting

“Let’s go.”

as everyone began to move, a bunch of large, round men emerged from

you guys heading?” Marlon smirked as he


helping when someone has infiltrated

than hustling with those people, I’d much rather hustle with you girls.” Marlon wore a sickening

you!” Caelus exploded. “Marlon, you better scram, or

uninjured, but you can’t

can still get rid of

you are

to stop the other man, but his movements only aggravated

to vomit blood, then

yet. What

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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