Chapter 634

“I think you misunderstood something here,” Paul responded calmly. “I said Dustin had a ninety percent chance of winning. Your son only had ten.”

“What?” Phil stiffened. It turned out that everything had been in his head. Still, he couldn’t understand or accept how a nobody like Dustin was able to defeat his son, who was a genius.

“Mr. Doyle, thank you for Tempest of the Eighteen Swords’,” Hector suddenly said, causing Phil’s

face to darken.

would work in their favor by boosting their reputation. However, not only had his son lost the battle, he also lost their family heirloom. It

taught everyone something. There was always someone far stronger than you, even if you were the strongest person

amidst the audience wearing a mask, humphed and walked away. He hid his identity because he thought he’d get to see an amusing show, yet Terry had been. useless and couldn’t even defeat a pretty boy like

lost. Remember what I said earlier? Your family better stay out of my way


Gritting his teeth, Terry clambered to his

on Dustin’s back, Terry grabbed


cried out, but it

detect. So, before anyone realized what was going on, the tip of Terry’s sword

still the winner in

and his smile froze when he realized that his sturdy blade hadn’t

turn things

do you think you’re doing?” Dustin snapped, slowly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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