Chapter 626

Terry shook his head with a smile. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to use me to make a name for yourself.”

It wouldn’t be the first time someone did something like that. Terry had encountered many who challenged him in hopes of using their victory to boost their reputation, just like Vardant Phantom. Still, all those people eventually lost to him.

“Let me make this clear. I’m not interested in making a name for myself. I decided to challenge you to save myself the trouble by settling things with your family once and for all,” Dustin answered calmly.

“Settle things with us? And how do you intend to do that?” Terry had a small smile.

“Simple. If I defeat you today, you and your family have to stop meddling in my life,” Dustin answered straightforwardly.

by Dustin’s words and burst out laughing. The audience

could come out of this battle alive, but to think

Terry? What an idiot!

interesting fellow, but he’s too arrogant.” Phil was unbothered by Dustin’s

Phantom was easily defeated, so what makes him think that he stood

because of Sheila, but Dustin refused to listen and even dared to see his challenge through after watching what happened to

Dustin has a winning chance?” Hector asked

soon.” Paul smiled but didn’t

you must be joking. That brat is just


mean he’s not capable. Since he dared to challenge your son, I’m

you seem to have faith in him, why don’t

betting with?” Hector didn’t

time now. Let’s go with that.” Phil

treasure you picked is worth over three billion dollars. But what

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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