Chapter 655

“Who would have guessed that the Charging Tiger gang would get here so fast? The young man’s in deep trouble now!”

“Well, he deserves it. I mean, why did he have to go and offend the son of their leader?”

“Exactly. We, common folks, have our way of life. If he didn’t have the power, then he should have laid low. See, now even his life is in danger.” The crowd looked at Dustin as if he were already a dead man

suffer great tragedy. There has never been an instance like today, where the son of their leader had been beaten up, and so brutally, at that. Even when an ordinary gang member experienced injustice, the gang would go all out to demand a payback. So, now that it happened to their leader’s son, it was inevitable that Dustin and the Robinsons’ would bear the full wrath of the Charging Tiger gang. “Oh no, darn it! Now we’re all done for!”

up on her. She knew Dustin was a skilled fighter, but the Charging Tiger gang had the numbers. She counted at least 100 henchmen, each armed

open his eyes Managing only to open his eyes into the narrowest of slits, he saw the situation

in on them, and she rushed to stand in front of Dustin, raising the broken bat above her head with a

of yourself, kid! These shrimps can’t hurt me,” Dustin said calmly, showing

are so many of them! How can you fend them off alone? I don’t want you to get into. trouble! Quick, go now!” Abigail urged

members had already surrounded them. Even if

With a grotesque expression, Chad hissed, “I’m telling you, this is just the beginning! I will make sure that you

before giving Chad a kick that sent him flying several feet

were astonished and quickly rushed over to help him up. The moment Chad got back on his feet, he

going, despite the excruciating pain he was experiencing. His deathly

dares hit my son?” A loud, authoritative

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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