Chapter 668

The muscular men at the back began to poke fun. All of them were behaving brazenly, leering at


“Ms. Natasha, why don’t we leave for now? These people look difficult,” Edmund advised quietly, shrinking into himself.

“Why are you panicking, Dad? This is the Harmons’ home. What kind of trouble are they capable of kicking up here?” Abigail glared. She’d always looked down on her father’s cowardly tendencies, always recoiling at the most minor things. Was he even a man?

“You’d better get out of my sight while I’m not angry yet,” Natasha said, her expression cold as ice.

can’t be your knights in shining armor.” As he spoke, he glanced at Dustin and Edmund. One was a much younger

the table and jumping to her feet. Having been through Dustin’s training the past few days, her abilities had improved by leaps and bounds, which greatly


Abigail was furious and humiliated. She was about

be rash. Harmony is of

this. Can you

don’t want you to get hurt,” Edmund

swung her

The bearded man had

expression changed. She finally realized that these people were far from

for me. Take my

the other men behind him burst out into guffaws. They

out, “You scum of the martial

upright-looking martial artists finally stood, denouncing the

in distress?” The bearded man smirked coldly,

but you’re over there bullying a few women. You call that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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