Chapter 632

As long as Terry wanted to, it shouldn’t be hard for him to defeat Dustin.

“Sir Paul, who do you think will win?” Hector suddenly turned his attention to Paul, who sat in the


“The one with a ninety percent chance,” Paul answered with a smile, his eyes crinkling.

eye, Sir Paul. You could tell that my son had an ace

question what Paul said, so if Paul said that there’s a ninety percent winning chance, it must be true. Although there was ten percent left,

confidence, but didn’t say anything, a knowing smile

from the platform as the air turned heavy. Instantly, the

move! That’s the end of that

of the Eighteen Swords unless extremely necessary, but when they do, their opponents will definitely

now!” Gordon and his friends’ eyes were glued to the ring, not wanting to

now?” Phil smirked. Although Dustin had surprised him several. times, the man was still no match

things around. Good luck!” Hector’s fists clenched as he silently prayed for Dustin. Natasha and her sister were also waiting anxiously after hearing

We’re depending on you!” Nelson and his men were worried for Duntin. They knew that if their

to die!” Terry shouted. He gathered all his strength into a single


Dust and debris flew into the air, making it hard for people to keep their

some time, the dust finally settled, and only one man was standing among the wreckage-

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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