Chapter 659

Felix was frozen with fear when he saw the devilish smile on Dustin’s face. Cold sweat broke out all over him. While others might not know how Harry Hall, the previous leader of the Flame Dragon gang, had died, Felix knew very well why. It was precisely this person standing before him who had killed Harry off to take his place. His talk about winning people over with his capabilities? If anything, that was a blatant threat! If Felix didn’t comply, he might very well end up just like Harry Hall!

“Alright, you may leave now. Till we meet again!” Dustin smiled meaningfully, sending panic through Felix. He knew that he was every part a mortal, just as Harry Hall was. If he really turned Dustin down, he might not live to see the next sunrise.

honor to join the Flame Dragon gang. If you would have us, I, Felix Miller, will gladly lead all my members in

don’t like to coerce others.” Dustin shook his

admire you. Now that I’ve had the honor of meeting you, I’m completely won over by your character. Please bestow upon me the

to join the Flame Dragon gang?” Dustin asked

leadership, Mr. Rhys, the Flame Dragon gang will surpass all others and become the most powerful gang!” Felix

of the Flame Dragon gang. You’ll still have control over the members who were previously part of the Charging Tiger gang, and all your turf

Mr. Rhys!” Felix exclaimed with elation. His biggest concern was losing his authority when he joined the Flame Dragon gang. But

now, all he felt was admiration. Dustin was powerful and knew how to make things work in his

gang and meet up with Nelson Horst.” Dustin dismissed him with a

answered and

deep thought. He knew Felix would have objections, but he had his ways of pursuing him to join willingly. His target wasn’t just the Charging Tiger gang but also the other two major gangs. Simply put, he wanted to merge the four major gangs in order to form new rules and

gangs had their own interests at heart and would often get into gang

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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