Chapter 28

Scott sparkled his eyes with obsession as he eagerly approached Gwendolyn, “Hey, Gwendolyn,”

Mamie put on her harmless face and took her hand with feigned affection, “Everyone’s here already, just waiting on you, Scott here wouldn’t start without you.”

Gwendolyn turned and asked, “Didn’t we say 6:30 for the meetup?” She wasn’t even late.

“Always punctual, Gwendolyn, Let’s head on in.” Scott, ever the gentleman, held the private dining room door open for her. “Saved you the best seat.”

Gwendolyn found herself seated between Mamie and Scott,

As she settled in, the others in the room gave her varied looks,

The timid ones whispered among themselves, while the bolder voices didn’t hesitate, “Gwendolyn, that dress looks like the latest spring collection and must’ve cost a pretty penny. Who got it for you?”

Her voice was soft and slow, “My family picked it out for me.” Roselind had also bought her a few things recently.

Someone snickered, “Family, huh? Guess sugar daddies count as family.”

“Your country grandma couldn’t afford to give…”

“Let’s not get distracted, folks. Time to eat,” Scott cut in with a warning glare, quelling the gossip hounds. After all, no one wanted to risk Scott’s wrath.

photos and

comforted her, “They’re just jealous you snagged

said, holding

been sick, need any cash? I’ve got some savings, happy to

Mamie always played the good Samaritan. They seemed to get along just

can manage,” Gwendolyn replied quietly, continuing her meal and sipping

subtle, which tasted rather good without any strange

and her head heavy. Gwendolyn shook her



and excused herself to Mamle, “I’m

sly smile curling her lips. She knew Gwendolyn had

way out, leaning against the corridor wall for support. Her phone buzzed in her sweater

caller ID, her mind fuzzy, she

soft and vulnerable like


the party going?” asked Howard in


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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