Chapter 127: Words of Wisdom


I couldn’t believe Pollux acted the way he did in front of everybody, making me look like a complete fool. Then to call me a whore! Who did he honestly think he was?

Rage bubbled through me as my blood boiled with anger over the entire situation. I wasn’t sure who my brother thought he was, speaking to me the way that he did but thankfully our father James had stepped in to stop the situation.

The moment Pollux grabbed me and forced me to stay to try and listen to him, I felt myself losing control and that was something I didn’t do often.

Walking into my English class, I spotted Melissa sitting in our usual spot, her eyes meeting mine slightly widened as the other students looked at me with curiosity. It wasn’t that I wanted people to fear me, but most people at this school did.

I simply just ignored it, because after I graduated I was out of this fucking place.

Moving towards the back of the classroom, I beelined straight for my seat. Melissa had a grin on her face spread ear to ear, and I could only imagine the questions she would end

up throwing my way. It wasn’t the first time she witnessed one of our dads pulling us off to the side to have a sit down, and I doubted it would be the last.

Plopping down at my desk, I pulled out my notebook and opened it to where we had left off with notes for the exam notes from the day before. Final exams were Friday, and then I would be free from this prison of a school with graduation the following week.

The one thing keeping me sane every single day I woke up was knowing I would be leaving this place soon, and Melissa and I would be starting over somewhere new.

“OK, class, now that our last participant finally decided to arrive, please go ahead and open your notebooks if you haven’t so I can go over everything that you’re going to need to study on for Friday’s exam,” Miss Abel said as she turned towards the board and began to write down various different things we were expected to take notes on.

She was an older woman, with graying brown hair and thick-framed glasses. She had been in the pack for as long as I can remember, and even though she was nice to everyone else, she, for some reason, couldn’t stand me.

“How did it go?” Melissa whispered, causing me to look at her from the corner of my eye. “Was it bad?”

“Just as you would have expected,” I replied with a sigh, trying to keep my tone down low so Miss Abel wouldn’t hear

us having a conversation while she was trying to teach class. That pissed her off more than anything.

Interrupting students with a bad attitude. Also known as me… She hated me.

dad ground you from the party this weekend? We had

laughter, I shook my head in amusement. “It’s my party. Why would they turn around and not let me go to my own

said, pointedly letting out a sign of relief. “I’d cry if

There was something about my friend I found ex tremely attractive. From the soft brown waves of her hair to the dark charcoal colored gray of her eyes. She was beautiful, even though she didn’t think she

of confidence she shouldn’t have, I couldn’t help but admire how increasingly

my friend, every now and again, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to taste those plump pink lips of hers and have

pulling me out of the daze I was in. I hadn’t been listening. I had been think ing of the

pushed a smile on my face and

you if what they said about

said. Yes, it was true. I had been seen going into the woods with him, but as far as having sex with him, absolutely not. He had bet

his ass in the race, I left him in the dust to wander his way back to the encampment, where I turned around and took his clothes. That way, he would only be able

and yeah, sometimes I felt the urge to want to do more with him, but that definitely wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. I wasn’t a virgin, but I also wasn’t looking. Unless you count on being interested

much to focus to

I hooked up with Lucas? You know how I

mean, we have a future we’re going to be entertaining once we get out of this place.

her voice loudly caught my attention, and glancing towards her, I noticed everybody in the class had turned and looked at me. “I’m sorry, ladies. Am I interrupting an important conversation? Because I could have sworn I was teaching you about the final exams, you had this Friday.

was unnecessary. “My apologies, Miss Abel. I can assure you that Melissa and I will pass your exam

either.” My class mates turned into

mind spending the rest of

in detention.”

won’t be able to attend,” I replied, trying to make it seem like there was no way

the phone, picked it up and undoubt

hung up the phone with a smile on her face, as the hatred of her poured into my heart. “Good news. Your father told me to tell you he’ll pick

muttered, with irritation. She had couldn’t be fuck ing

mouth, shaking her head. There was no way in hell she was going to spend detention with

I finally made my way from the hell of Miss Abel, I left class with Melissa at my side in search of a vending machine. I was stressed, and

enjoy pissing her off?” Melissa asked while

way, and she would try to turn it into a reason to call

next few days.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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