Chapter 50


I’m on the ground.

Brian is standing in front of a bonfire and at least a dozen wolves have formed a circle around us and the flames.


Something about these woods feels too still. Forests are normally teeming with life and this one seems desolate. I don’t think because it’s a man-made copse, that it’s vacant. The reason seems darker, deeper, like there is something wrong with the earth beneath the trees.

“Why did you bring me here?”

Brian arches a brow.

“I mean, I know why. But why here? Why not go back to your lands or somewhere else?”

It’s closing in on midnight and I need to buy time. I won’t be able to stop the transfer of power. An Alpha can connect to anyone in his bloodline or pack, and in choosing me, my father ensured that his power would go to me. I could be on the other side of the world and it wouldn’t make a difference.

I can’t stop the influx. But maybe I can distract Brian enough to stop him from ki lling me.

I’m not stu pid. Brian brought me to a scrap of land that’s in a neutral territory. We’re far from my father’s pack, from Aaron, from the Council.

I just need to keep him talking.

I twist my wrists and try to pull one of my hands free. The shackle bites into my skin and I bleed..

I use my blood to try and slicken my skin but even though I’m tugging hard, I can’t get the cuff past my bones. Desperate, I yank my thumb out of its socket and muffle a scream.

The cuff slides off, but I fist my hand around it so it isn’t


at the rows and rows of


circle start to

the time comes, they’ll probably fight over my bones.

I shudder.

won’t make it a dozen feet, not with how my feet are bound, and with this many wolves, on this terrain, they’d take me down in seconds. No. I need

to get closer. When he attacks, I need to

And I am.

my hands

m om d ied right


chose this place.” He


around the fire. Leah’s standing alone. Brian’s walking slowly in a circle around the flames. He was always dramatic.

no honor in

he could challenge the Roberts Alpha. If he prevailed in a battle to the death,

doesn’t play fair.


Leah, even if he does ‘challenge’ her

to that as witnesses, what honor is there in

human who cannot defend

a co

hang out of my mo uth and my arms are clawed and

his head

even be able to sustain the influx of power when it comes. She’s so si ck. I see that now. I think I’ve known for a while but just didn’t want to face what my eyes

strikes her.

punches her in the face and she whirls with a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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