Chapter 53


The pain is unbearable.

It’s like fire burning my body from the inside out. Everywhere. Every cell, every limb, every hair hurts.

Whatever is happening, it’s hitting my nervous system.

I bite down on this stu pid stick and try to block out the next


After tonight, childbirth will be a breeze.

If I survive this, that is.

And the ca ncer.


And the mob of power-hungry wolves encircling me.

And find a male to give me a baby.

I glance up at Aaron. He hasn’t left my side. He fought like a madman to prevent Brian from killing me. I’m not sure how he found me. And truthfully, given how I told him I was done, I’m surprised he came at all.

I shouldn’t

about power-an indescribable

to absorb mine, it’d be the ultimate coup for his pack, and he’s always been


man for years, and I swear I wonder if I know him at all. Who is this Alpha holding me and cheering me on? A week ago, I would’ve

find a dozen ways to justify

flood hits me, I shudder and lose my thoughts. I can’t worry about what’s happening around me. I can’t even care about being a spectacle to no fewer than thirty

trying to

blazing in front

me. The motion is gentle and subtle, hardly any movement at all, but I

than the pain threatening to

The next wave…it’s less.

after that,

a big sigh

His arms loosen marginally.

last pulse fades. Even after it passes, I still don’t move for several minutes. Every muscle aches. My bones feel brittle. I’m not sure

very slowly. My knees give out and Aaron’s arm is the only thing

from this place and all these

body for physical changes. But I don’t feel any stronger. My mind can’t connect to Aaron’s or anyone else’s-at least that I’m aware of. And though I search deep into my

Maybe it didn’t-


I guess

power has transitioned to me? Funny. It doesn’t feel

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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