Chapter 59

“Well, this is awkward,” James says bemusedly.

Aaron leans across the console to be seen. “You know he speaks the truth. Alpha Leah Roberts Rathborn is here. The transition of power is complete. Open the f**king gate.”

The guy stands stock still for a few seconds, frozen with indecision.

Then he ducks back into the guardhouse, grabs the phone and makes a call.

A few seconds later, the gates roll open and he flags us through.

“What was that about?” James asks.

What indeed?

Aaron leans around the seat to eye me. It’s not an “I told you so❞

but it’s in the vicinity.

our men in cars two and three. Tell them to be ready for

while maneuvering the SUV ahead slowly. It’s another three miles to the main house and the communal halls. The houses we pass now are spaced out with wh ite picket


like something out

hands it to Aaron. Then he opens the console,

“Take it,” he says.

don’t need that.” This

to welcome

and I barely had contact

imagine how hard this must be on the rest of

fri ggin’

order and it makes me bristle.

Aaron on spite.

James clears his throat.

a curse. “I mean to say, please. Please take the weapon, Leah, so you can defend yourself. It’s better to be prepared and not need it, than to need

argue with

breath mints. Only, you know, a little

grab the gun and my hand sinks to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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