Chapter 64

“Jessica isn’t pregnant,” I blurt.


I drag a hand through my hair. “I mean, she could be, but if she is, the child isn’t mine.”

Leah nods. It’s the equivalent of ‘that’s nice.’

I know she doesn’t mean it and I can’t even fault her for doubting. I’ve rubbed her face in things many times before.

Part of me will always resent her.

I can’t help that.

It’s in her blood.





I was so adamant about enforcing the

seeing her now. She looks so small and frail.

innocent and

has me rubbing my chest.

wolf wants out. Now.

we spend in this cursed place has him clawing at my ribs to be free.

chest. “Ease up,

growls but doesn’t relent.

at anywhere but at me. “So, uh,

again trying to brush

of the chair. The momentum of the move

find her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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