Chapter 69


Leah’s room looks like it’s been ransacked. Clothes are strewn across the floor and bed. The closet is open and hangers are at twisted angles. Books are everywhere. And boxes. There are cardboard boxes piled in row after row, almost from the floor to the ceiling.

I rock back on my heels.

I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say or think about this.

I glance at Leah.

Her lower lip trembles.

Oh for f**k’s sake.

She survived an attack by a ruthless Alpha hellbent on killing her to claim her lineage. She’s put up with me for years. And now, because her ol’ man and her di pshit brother let her room go to h ell, now…she’s going to start crying?!

now.” I drag

her harder. Not so hard as to hurt her, most of her body is bruised or

my strength to calm her.

wish she had her wolf.

cues. Our wolves are simpler. Touch, scent, s*x. My

has no

mine can’t commune

understand what she

let me go,” she grumbles. “You’re suffocating me.

on the chin so I


hands. “It’s good. I’m fine. So they turned

also looks like they ransacked the place, but if she wants to overlook that I can too.

At least temporarily.

was messier than this,” I tell her. “Don’t take it personally. Your pack…they slobs, Leah.”

eyes, and I’ll take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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