Chapter 71

There isn’t anything I can say that is going to dissolve his anger.

His eyes are gold. His chest heaves.

The huge muscles in his neck and shoulders bulge.

In the next heartbeat, Aaron relents. It’s like he flips a switch because the rage is banked and he’s entirely different toward

“Let’s try this a different way.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out two rings. One is the wedding band I’d given back to him when I demanded a divorce. The other is a giant diamond wedding band. I’ve never seen a stone so big.

He drops to one knee.

I can’t believe this is happening.

“Let’s try everything again, Leah. Only differently this time. Not for peace. Not for pride. Not for pack. I want you for my wife. Marry me.”

Even kneeling this man is tall. His dark eyes are so earnest. I rub my eyes, because I’m convinced I must be dreaming.

Aaron reaches for my hand, but I pull it back.

“W-why?” I whisper.

He tilts his head. “I just told you. I want to marry you.” Then he slays me when he adds: “Please.”

It’s like he pulled this script straight from one of my teenage


a young

no glazing

our vows would further strengthen his

the fact that he could ki

My father.

My ca ncer.


being subjugated and

no mention of love.

This man isn’t capable of

there to take his offer because I know he’s

he can. And I never, never thought this

with me,

heart hurts because I can’t accept them now. I

shouldn’t even want to, considering how

weak. And he’s so… bad for me.


entirely. “I’m sorry, Aaron. No.

looks …hurt. I’ve never seen this man look anything less than stoic and right now, he’s


hold my ground.

physically paining him in some way.

the foyer. He smirks upon seeing Aaron on his knees. “You heard my sister. Her answer’s no. Not much more

looks to me as if for confirmation. I give the slightest

the best decision for all

comes to this man. I can’t trust him.

to describe the maelstrom of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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