Chapter 222

The address turns out to be a large abandoned factory.

It’s hard to tell what might have once been made here. The dusty, spider web covered monolithic machines cast strange shadows beyond the meager beam of my flashlight.

Tobin’s appointed time comes and goes, and at first I think by making me wait, it’s probably just another way he’s messing with me.

But when I message Aaron, he doesn’t reply.

I call him, but he doesn’t answer.

I try not to worry as I call James.

He also doesn’t answer.

And now I’m starting to panic.

Why isn’t Tobin here like he said he’d be.

And why the he ll aren’t Aaron and James answering their phones?

I have this bad feeling in my gut that we missed something.

That our plan wasn’t quite as watertight as we intended it to


Just as I am debating whether to wait a bit longer, or leave to go find Aaron, I hear a door bang somewhere toward the opposite end of the factory floor, and then brightness floods. the dark space as the overhead lights are turned on.


coming toward me-and the scent

are also coming from behind me, and

running, I scent

Aaron’s blood.

then races frantically as I hold my ground, waiting for

the he ll

know Aaron even came

ll did he

blazing fury within me, and it’s all I can do to keep my wolf from shifting us and viciously attacking Tobin the

see is a menacing group

Tobin convinced them to be

me, farthing blocking any means of

moment later, Tobin finally appears, dragging an

conscious Aaron


for some reason, he’s

even though every instinct

to Aaron, to help

though I’m running late.” Tobin leers at me as

but he doesn’t seem to be seriously injured. Not the same way Aaron

quite an invigorating fight,” Tobin continues in a pleasant tone, like we’re discussing the weather, not the fact that my mate

do to him?” I demand, and

threatening to explode out

to claw Tobin’s cold eyes from

I know Tobin’s men would be on me in a second, and I’m seriously

he ll are the rest of


doesn’t even know who I’m referring to. “Oh, I tipped my claws in wolfsbane before I savaged

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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