Chapter 228
My heart is pounding and exhilaration is rushing through me like I’m fifteen years old with t
Leah makes me giddy.
It’s ridiculous.
I’m an Alpha, feared by both other wolves and humans alike in the business world.
my first crush.
I’m known to be ruthless and cutthroat and the last person anyone should ever consider crossing
My revenge has been known to be inventive and served with malicious flair.
No one would believe that my wife, my mate-the love of my life and mother of my son-could so easily bring me to my knees.
I don’t think even Leah knows the extent of her own power over me
But it was proven that night in the warehouse when Liam tried to steal her from me.
I didn’t even know until that very moment the lengths I would go to for this woman.
How I would and will continue to put her above my own life and welfare.
How I will do absolutely anything she asks, if only she lets me love her the way she deserves.
But I don’t say any of that.
At least not right now.
Maybe one day I will, when this is all over and our lives are no longer in danger. There’s so many things I want to tell her and share
with her.

However, in this very moment, something else is on my mind,
Something that’s been weighing heavily on me since the moment she awoke and I realized I had to make a choice.
I realized I had to walk away from her-hurt her-to save her.
How I needed to keep the existence of her very own child from her, because the lie had already grown so huge, and the danger had only increased in the weeks following the attack on the hospital, and I was almost paralyzed with fear about what could happen to both of them just because someone way trying to get to me.
No, not someone.
Tobin and some other members of the Council who I’ll need to find before they can make their next move-maybe their final move-to take me out of the equation.
The stakes have never been higher.
But I’ve never been more sure of anything else in my life.
I love Leah.
She is my everything,
And i
it’s time I told her that.
Part of me wonder
why I’ve waited this long. But I know it’s never been as simple as saying the words.
Words can be empty if they’re not said at the right time in the right way, and I didn’t want the things I feel for her to be diminished.
Plus, there’s also the issue of our son.
Our very alive son, whom she currently believes is dead.
I think it’s time I told her about that as well.
Because she’s right-as she almost always is, my clever mate-we’re stronger together.
And now more than ever is the time to stand united.
But after holding everything inside for so long, I suddenly don’t know how to get the words out.
She must see something in my expression because she frowns a little, clearly concerned.
“Aaron, are you okay? Are you sure there’s nothing wrong with you after Tobin had you in those silver wolfsbane chains?”
“I’m fine, Leal,” I reassure her, pulling my mate closer still, enjoying the feel of her body against mine. “But like I said, there’s something I need to tell you.”
She nods, but her frown deepens, like she thinks I’m about to tell her something bad.
Considering our history-the way I used to treat her-I think it’s probably not unreasonable for her to think I’m about to say something that will hurt or upset her.
And she won’t be completely wrong
When she finds out the truth about Ethan, she’s probably going to be furious and rightfully hurt. But I’m prepared for that.
I also believe she’ll see reason, after she gets over the initial shock, she might even agree that I did the right thing. That any sacrifice was worth saving and protecting the fragile life of our infant son.
“Leah,” I say, bringing her closer still, until everything of ourselves is attuned with the other. “I should have said this the minute you woke up. Because that night in the warehouse, I thought it was too late when I realized. I thought I wouldn’t ever get the chance to tell you. I thought I’d lost you forever.”
I blink as I feel my e
growing wet, but I don’t care if she sees my tears. She needs to understand the magnitude of what I’m telling
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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