Chapter 253

I hold my breath, not sure I can hear this, but certain I can’t not hear it at the same time.

“By majority vote,” Samsen announces. “We find Alpha Aaron Rathborn guilty on all charges.”

Noise erupts through the hall, some people exclaiming in shock, others protesting, some even cheering.

It’s chaos.

But I’m stuck on the words he said.

By majority.

Does that mean not all of the Council believes Aaron is guilty?

If some Councilmembers don’t agree with the verdict, then surely they can’t go ahead with this.

There must be some sort of appeal process, some way to get this reversed.

I’m frozen and dizzy and feel sick, but also not surprised.

Aaron kept telling me how this was going to play out, but I

didn’t want to believe him.

“The hall will come to order!” Samsen shouts over the chaos.

Eventually everyone settles down and it becomes silent again.

My breathing sounds unusually loud, and I realize I’m on the

verge of panic.

Rathborn,” Samsen says. “By virtue of a guilty verdict from this Council, you are sentenced to death under

full moon.”

getting harder and

look over at Aaron, but he’s closed

I can see the grief settling

believe it until this moment

you will approach the stage,” Samsen then



Enforcers steps over and grabs my arm, pulling me to my feet and then ushering me toward

he releases me and I lock

to sway.

Leah,” Samsen says, looking down on me. “The

in your fate. You may remain mated to Alpha Rathborn and risk your own death

upon his execution, or you may choose to break

bond and possibly save

bond can in itself cause death, depending on how deeply you and Alpha Rathborn are


at Aaron, but it’s like I somehow locked

not just

either of us could have ever imagined. And now it

  1. me.

me surviving if we break the mating bond are probably slim.

don’t break the mating

transcends death.

from beyond death that

my eyes for a

increasing panic

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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