Chapter 255


I still don’t feel steady as the Enforcers march us out of the room and back to the main hall, that is now empty of an audience.

At least we won’t have to do this part in front of all the regional Alphas and their Lunas.

Probably the only reason is because the Council keeps the method to breaking a mating bond tightly under wraps, only allowing it under strict circumstances that don’t crop up very often.

I feel like I’m walking in a nightmare.

All I can think over and over is that this can’t be happening.

Things can’t have spiraled this far out of control.

There has to be some way to stop this before our mating bond

is broken and Aaron is executed under the next full moon.

But no last–minute stay of execution–literal or figurative- comes about.

Aaron and I are left standing on the stage hand–in–hand, while Samsen sets an old, leatherbound book on the table

next to a silver ceremonial knife.

There’s only a few Councilmembers present–including Petyr,

ones who voted on Aaron’s guilt, while the ones who thought he was innocent have made themselves scarce, maybe not wanting to

proceed with

wants this over and done with.

doesn’t care that he’s destroying


don’t have a choice, do we? So let’s

or his arrogance,

it is

with this silver

book, and then mark

over the claiming bite to sever

and my heart starts hammering


to run away.

hold the trial again, fairly this time, but I know all those words

me to be strong.

so I can go home to him, even if it means

breathe slowly and not hyperventilate or pass out again

the meaty part of his palm, then

longer shall our bond exclude us from all others. No longer do I recognize


inside me, like something starting to rend, and from the subtle flinch Aaron

is done in blood, so it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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