Chapter 260


It’s barely a few hours later when Karolina comes to see me.

Axel has been surprisingly good company.

Angry on my behalf, and sympathetic, but not in a way that’s grating.

He’s chatted to me on and off, stuff he’s observed about the Council and Montana in general compared to Texas, and a few stories from growing up in the Lone Star State.

Trying to keep me distracted from my grief.

As if such a thing were even possible.

But when Karolina comes down, his expression goes icy and he moves to the back of his cell, settling in with his arms crossed and the wolf glowing in his eyes.

I remember he said something about them working him over and wonder if Karolina had something to do with it.

Exactly what kind of information could they have been trying,


to get out of him anyway?

“What do you want?” I ask her flatly when she stops in front of my cell.

sorry about your mate,” she says in a way that makes her sound not sorry

playing their games, making nice and pretending to respect a bunch of people who I think are selfish, power–hungry egomaniacs.

going to railroad me into an execution for

after all.

I said, what do you

have decided to move up your execution date,” Karolina says,

beneath her words.

“What’s happened? Are the other Alphas pushing

irritation flits over her

hide it.

has taken control of your packs,

my affairs in order?” I repeat.


then it dawns on

for this farce

of my

that’s been going on, I’ve barely

about it.

another thought–a terrible thought–occurs to me

closer to the

Leah died- The

go to your son, he’s fine,” Karolina interrupts with a slight smile, and I wonder who they did go

in that room intercepted the Havelock Alpha powers and has gained

powers,” Karolina continues. “You will provide the Council with a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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