Chapter 262

The next day I get up early, and after making sure Ethan is

changed and fed, I take him down to the office where I asked

one of the housekeepers to set up a playpen for him. They’ve brought out this little bouncy thing that I can strap him into and it has a mobile attached to it that plays music as it spins.

Ethan seems happy enough to lay in it, but I leave it close to where I’m sitting and angled toward the desk so we can see

each other.

Then I start digging into Roberts Corp files for the past seven months to make sure I didn’t miss something the first time I checked for clues about what’s happened to the project that was meant to be handed over to the military.

James joins me mid–morning, bringing a bottle for Ethan, who is almost due for his nap.

After I’ve fed him and he’s lulling off to sleep, James offers to take him up to his crib.

Ethan fusses a little when I hand him over, but James rocks and shushes him until he settles down again.

While Aaron and I were kept by the Council for all those days,

seems James got the hang of looking after my

they’re gone, I switch my attention back to the computer, combing through information about the various properties and land–holdings Robert

about to keep clicking onward when


be condemned has

come up

decide to see if I can figure out where the money was actually going–probably into the Al tech program like the rest of it had been–however, it’s quickly


month, no one ever put a stop to it after

going into maintenance and utilities of the property–water, electricity, even food

makes absolutely zero sense if the property is really

condemned and abandoned.

going on there, and I need

of some

Al tech got moved to,

scribble down the address and have just jumped up from the desk when James returns

he catches me rushing across the

piece of paper with the address written on it.

until we’re in the SUV with James behind the wheel that he finally asks me what we’re going to check out, and I explain to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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