Chapter 276

I burst into the room and Karolina looks up at me with wide, startled eyes.

There’s a garden hose filling a large plastic tub, and Aaron is chained to a chair balanced precariously on the edge. One slight tip in the wrong direction and Aaron goes under, unable to save himself from drowning in the water.


Aaron stares at me surprised and desperate with longing.

“Aaron!” I lunge forward, but someone catches my arm and tugs me back again.

I turn in confusion, thinking James is holding me back for some reason, but I find Ryker standing there holding me, while James is crumpled unconscious on the ground a few steps behind me.

At least I hope he’s only unconscious.

I was so focused on Aaron, I didn’t even realize Ryker had arrived and come up behind us, let alone got the jump on James.

“Let me go!” I shout angrily, tugging on my arm.

“Now, Leah,” Ryker says in an admonishing voice. “I believe I told you what would happen if you went after my mate.”

not going after your mate,” I

hold. “I’m trying to

dear Karolina might get caught up in some unfortunate

told you I can fight my own battles, Ryker!” Karolina says furiously. “You made it clear you weren’t willing to help me, and I told you to stay out of

on Karolina

things really are that bad between

replies. “The Old Ways aren’t just a set of rules or traditions to me. They are in my blood, set into my bones. I told you I wouldn’t help

is gone! When are you going to see that? I don’t care what you say, and I don’t care if you’re my mate. I’m doing what’s right for our species, even if you’re too far

so that he tips back and lands in the tub

to break

“Aaron is dead, and

as my claws spring out and I partially

shred Karolina into tiny, bl oody pieces, when Ryker

All of it!” Ryker yells, and

restraining hold and then avoid Karolina-who tries to turn on me, but is still being held by Ryker

should pull Aaron out, but between the chair and the chains, it’ll be awkward and heavy and take precious

into the side of the tub and send the whole thing tumbling over sideways. A mini wave of water splashes out and rolls

the tub, shoving it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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