Chapter 285


I can’t escape the vague feeling of panic that’s been lodged in my chest ever since James and that bi ch Leah found me in the remote cabin.

It feels like any second now, someone is going to grab me and force me back into captivity.

And I think part of me would welcome that.

At least it’s familiar.

At least I know what to expect when I’m being held.

There are rules and I follow them if I want my life to be easy and pain free.

But now that I’ve been released, there are no rules.

Or, at least not the same rules.

I’m just free and there’s something slightly terrifying about it.

It’s easier to be in wolf form.

My wolt acts on instinct. She sees the world in more simple absolutes.

She can ignore the human anxieties and questions of what my life is even supposed to look like now.

She can ignore the question of how I’m going to hide the truth. from the rest of the pack.

so many ways, I can’t even remember the girl I

changes aren’t just

is, Liam and his father experimented on me in ways I don’t even

had a plan for Roberts

strongest, fastest, most deadly

could easily decimate any other pack, or even the

lab rat for

finds out, I’ll be

executed immediately.

as disgusted with me as

feel the lure of going rogue

so easy to give in. To push into my

here are so open. I could sleep beneath the stars, maybe even merge into a wild wolf pack

that happen, I’m frightened of what I

Because I’m dangerous.


shift and

problem is, I can’t

place in the forest where Jessica, James,

clearing next to a

under a layer of snow, but

is carpeted with sweet grasses and wildflowers, and the stream flows faster, tumbling

summers, we used to swim and fish in the stream, staying out late into the night after the sun went down, listening to the chatter or frogs and

I wish more than anything I

I could somehow travel back in time

out a different

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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