Chapter 289


I’m sitting in our bed, reading a book to Ethan, who is drifting off to sleep after just finishing a bottle, when Aaron slips into the room.

He looks weary, like the weight of the world is sitting on his shoulders, as he comes over and stretches out on the bed next to us, trailing his fingers over Ethan’s soft curls.

“How did things go with Emily?” I ask, even though I can tell they probably didn’t go well.

“It’s worse than I thought,” Aaron replies in a heavy voice. “I’m worried she might never recover from this. We still might lose her, if she can’t take it anymore and goes rogue.”

Guilt for the part my family played in this-in destroying an innocent girl’s life-is like acid in my veins.

“Aaron, I’m so sorry,” I tell him, the words desperate and heartfelt.

“I know,” Aaron says with a quick smile. “But it’s not your fault, Leah. You can’t be held responsible for the actions of your

Brother and father.”

Aaron’s words might be true-and I’m grateful to hear them- but it doesn’t make me feel any less guilty.

“Maybe there’s something I can do to help,” I offer. “Maybe I can talk to her-”

But Aaron quickly shakes his head.

“Yeah…that’s not a good idea right now, Leah. In time, yes, I want you both to get along, maybe even become friends for the sake of Ethan, our family and the larger pack. But right now, Emily can’t see past her hatred toward you for what your father did to her.”

closes his eyes for a moment, an expression of pain

losing it to the rage already festering inside me. I’ve told her she needs to start seeing the pack therapist, but eventually I think I’m going to need to know exactly what she’s

over and

think about what terrible things my father

impossible, that

hurt an innocent girl for


now I

wondering if I dare approach Jessica and ask her to keep an eye out and let me know if it seems Emily is getting worse,

his plate, especially now that he

the least I can do for him. And it is partly my role as

my biggest fan, but in the few days since she returned, she’s actually been surprisingly nice and even somewhat respectful

not sure what she did while she was away, but it seems to

in charge of watching out for her,” Aaron says. “Same way it’s

good idea,”

James following me everywhere, always

was when I thought

and the bad times, even when I

eventually, he’d become one of the most important

My best friend.

hope the same can be true for

think so,” Aaron said with an amused look. “Because

I say confidently,

what Aaron needs

what I hope for my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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