Chapter 298

It’s the worst news possible.

The vampires hold us accountable for Karolina failing to hand over the AI tech.

I just can’t believe how far Karolina had gone in her quest to usher in a new future for wolves-whatever she thought that entailed.

How could she believe making deals with vampires would be beneficial to anyone?

In one way, I’m glad we unknowingly interfered and prevented the deal from going ahead.

Only god knew what the vampires would do, but wiping out wolves would have been high on their list of priorities, I suspect.

However, it’s bad news all around.

We destroyed the drive.

There’s nothing to hand over any longer.

And I can only imagine how that will enrage the vampires when they discover the truth.

Even if it was still intact, there’s no way we could have handed it

Technology like that in the hands of vampires would be at nightmare scenario.

“We don’t owe you anything,” Aaron says, his posture becoming even more rigid, like he’s expecting a fight any second now.

He might have the power of three Alphas, and he might even have a chance of actually killing the vampires where they stand.

a single bite, and his life

the fragile peace treaty between wolves and

would become a free-for-all.

wars that ruled our childhoods-that I was forced to

and building the software for us. The contract still stands, as the product has not been delivered. I believe you are

about having his status turned on its head

killed Karolina,” Aaron states flatly. “Go find

replies with a delicate shrug. “But alas, he tucked tail

software with him,” finishes the first male

weeks. And should you fail, then you can

these vampires

particular-broke the treaty so they

brother and father for getting us into this mess!

could they do something so

of money was worth

things this

something that had the potential to affect the lives of every single wolf in every

Aaron says in a hard voice. “And we will not bow to threats

a bored tone, as if he doesn’t actually care either

menacingly. “I hope you’re foolish enough to go against us. It’s been too long since I’ve felt

you feed on a wolf, you will be the ones who break the treaty,” Aaron responds in a hard

female vampire isn’t

can bide our time, as we have been doing for decades. We are immortal, where you wolves have lives spanning not much longer than that of a human. Pathetic. We will drink wolf blood once again-as should be our natural born right-and it will be a tragedy of your own

my house. Now,” Aaron says, injecting every ounce of

it makes me want to cower

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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