Chapter 304

The ramifications of Aaron and Leah leaving for the Old Country start rapidly sinking in, and none of it looks good.

“We’ve been threatened by vampires, and your answer to that is to take your mate and son, and go to the Old Country, leaving us defenseless?” I shout at him.

Axel straightens in alarm at my outburst and edges closer, as if he thinks he might need to physically intervene.

I try to get a handle on my anger and hurt, but it’s no use.

The cravings twisting my insides into knots aren’t helping either.

I want to smash this room to pieces.

I want to sink my claws and teeth into flesh until blood runs like rivers.

I want to tear out my own insides, if only to make all of this stop.

Aaron looks both pissed off and hurt at my demand.

“I don’t have a choice, Emily. Do you think I actually want to leave at a time like this? Don’t you think my Alpha instincts, my sense of responsibility, is telling me that doing such a thing is wrong on countless levels? We requested the help of the Old Country Wolves. If we refuse their mandates, then we don’t get

Aaron gets to his feet, staring down at me with disappointment and detachment.

“Whether you choose to understand or keep acting selfish is up to you, Emily. But this is happening. The private jet has already put in its flight plans to Romania. Leah and I are leaving tonight. Hopefully, we won’t be gone for more than a few days, but at this point, I don’t know what to expect from the Old Country Wolves, so it might end up being longer.”

have any

won’t alienate Aaron further or cement

can he say that about

I’m doing, all the things I’m trying to tell

for the sake of

and Roberts pack brought us here -on the brink

of the pack in the meantime?” I ask in a quiet

even that

us, as extra protection

Aaron answers, his gaze cutting away from me,

about everyone’s expectations of me. “However, I’ve talked to Jessica and she has agreed to support you and act

of that far more deeply than I

My best friend.



broken, fragile sister.

to spend a day alone, let alone manage an

have decided to put Axel in charge of the pack until I get back. He’s been an Alpha in his own right, so he knows what’s required in the role. Plus, he doesn’t have

to ensure the pack

cut my furious gaze over to Axel, but he’s looking placidly at

than they’re already going to be, Emily,” Aaron warns me.

everyone, so what does

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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