Chapter 323


For a second, I lay there, dazed and confused.

I’ve never experienced anything like what just happened between me and Axel.

But I’d barely come down from the impossible high when he got up and walked out, leaving me here feeling used and unwanted.

The cold air registers on my cooling skin and I shiver, quickly dragging my clothes over to dress myself before someone can walk in here and see me like this.

I thought what was happening between me and Axel was something special, something amazing.

That just maybe, somehow, we could get past all the things between us and become mated after


Except I can see now how lust clouded my mind and impaired my judgement.

I feel shame and embarrassment storm through me.

I can’t believe how I let myself lose control like that. With a man who barely tolerates me and would kill me the second he discovered the truth of what I’d become after the horrible experiments the old Roberts Alpha and his son Liam conducted on me.

Axel had said I was required to begin my training again.

I don’t completely disagree with him on that idea. I’d like to sharpen my skills once again, and the idea of training everyday-having some structure and routine, as well as something to look forward to-it’s actually very appealing to me.



I only wish I’d thought of it myself.

Now, Axel and Aaron will probably take the credit for any improvements training might bring me.

I’m going to do it, but I’m doing it for me, not them and not the pack.


after what just happened.

feel raw

soon as Axel got to his feet, I could see the cold disgust swiftly returning to

even worse.

obviously regrets what happened between us, and I can only wonder how much worse his treatment of me is going to be.

have done something

kiss to distract

wolves, mated and otherwise.

can get around his

but his instincts

close to him-trying to trick him so I could win

curious gazes of

takes some sneaking and cleverness, but I manage to slip away so I can shift and run.

free, I let my mind go quiet and my instincts take over.

I run and


-No es justo, Que hice mal?

starting to



y quiero un juguete nues

and I’m coming up on the same hiking

and then shift back, walking quietly through the

scent a presence a second before I emerge through the woods onto a small clearing next to the river.

in his lap and various pencils and other

a twig underfoot, and he

his eyes light up as soon as

thumps painfully in my chest as I try to remember the last

before returning his attention to the page in front of him. “I was wondering

over and stand at the edge of the picnic blanket.

come here looking for you, if that’s what you think,” I reply sharply, but then internally wince at my automatic

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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