Chapter 336

Axel drags me back to the mansion, which is the last place I want to go right now, but it’s not like I’ve got much of a choice.

I assume he’s going to lock me into my room again.

What else is he going to do with me when it’s the middle of the day and he’s got pack business to attend to as acting Alpha on behalf of my brother?

However, when we go inside the mansion, he doesn’t take me


Instead, he opens the door that goes down to the


As soon as he opens that door, all common sense leaves me as

pure panic takes over.

I turn to run, but Axel wraps his arms around my waist.

I haven’t been down to the cellar since I returned to the Rathborn


It’s mostly used to store stuff, as well as an extensive and

expensive collection of wine, but I’ve always managed to find

someone else to go down for me if I’ve needed anything.

Chapter 336


I think Jessica has figured out I’m avoiding it on purpose, but no

one else has.

At the house I spent ten years locked away in, there was a small

storm cellar beneath the kitchen.

When the old Roberts Alpha really wanted to punish me–whether I had done something to annoy him, or he was just having a bad day, or he’d gotten some news about Leah that he didn’t like–he

would throw me down in that storm cellar with no light or lamp, no

blankets, no food, no water.

Sometimes it would just be for a few hours.


so long

he’d pulled

was going

be free and would no longer be

wondered what the point

even was.


Chapter 336

brought the pack doctor to treat me–Adam, I think his name

furious that

seemed like some cruel joke, some terrible

couldn’t I just die


haven’t thought about any of that–those

I’d returned home.

for good

fear, of

long it would last and

was something my

no different as

immediately overwhelming me.

end he has to pick me

over his shoulder.

in his hold, I have no way to properly

on me is an inescapable

reach one of the smaller storerooms

and flick on the overhead light.

Chapter 336


basics like rice and

of my mind tells me

time and won’t

to the fact I am about to



will not give in

down and then shoves me just enough


sure I’m not about

he’s darted out

door between us.

Axel! Let me out! Now!” I yell furiously, yanking at the

pounding on the door. “You bastard!”

only thing I hear is

back onto

more, screaming

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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