Chapter 338

I lurch forward and press my fingers into Emily’s neck, thinking the


When I feel her pulse, I almost get dizzy with relief.

However, it’s weak and her skin feels clammy.

I reach up and push her hair off her pale face so I can see her more


Her eyes are open, but staring dully, sightlessly at nothing.

“Emily!” I say, more loudly this time, trying to jolt her out of

whatever this is.

When that doesn’t work, I try saying her name again, even louder,

and give her shoulders a gentle shake.

She doesn’t respond, remaining limp and listless beneath my


Has she gone into some kind of catatonic state?

But why?

She was furious when I left her, not scared.

Chapter 338


What the hell could have caused this in the short few hours I left

her here?

My stomach is churning with anxiety as I lift her out of the tight


She still doesn’t stir, and I cradle her gently in my arms as I hurry upstairs to her room.

Luckily, I don’t see anyone else on the way.

I don’t want anyone to see Emily like this.

she would worry people would see her as more

could never think that of Emily.

it’s like to go through something like what happened to her when she was

it made her more of a fighter than she probably already

like that, but Emily did, and I respect her for that, if nothing

I take her into her room and slam

Chapter 338

  1. US.


idea what to do with her, how to bring her out of

whatever this is.

her in the shower and hitting her with a spray of cold water, but that seems unbearably cruel when she’s already in such a state.

down on the bed,

softest blanket I can find.

the bed and wrap her up in the blanket,

and holding her

low, quiet voice.

got you.”

wondering what the hell I’m going to do if


me if she

his sister in a catatonic state

to be looking

holding her, and after a while, I start humming some old songs I used

Chapter 338


was quite proficient at playing

people had been.


besides learn a musical

or tablets or computers with

of today didn’t realize how quickly and suddenly

world had

centuries. Candles were the only source of illumination, fire the only source of

within a few short decades, technology had exploded

generations, people’s lives had

amazes me to think how long I’d lived

things I’d seen.

a bottomless well of loneliness I couldn’t

escape from.

I wish more than anything that

those amazing

other wolf is immortal

I’ll admit that in my weaker

Chapter 338

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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