Chapter 343


For a while after Axel leaves, I lay in bed mulling over what just happened between us.

I’m both extremely relieved and totally peeved that we got

interrupted right when I thought Axel was actually going to finally

let go of the tight rein he keeps on his control.

At least this time Axel didn’t turn all cold and distant and terrible

after, telling me it was a mistake or couldn’t happen again or


I know it’s a bad idea.

Logically, my brain is very aware of that fact.

However, it feels right.

In a way I just don’t know how to explain.

Well, actually, there is an easy explanation.

Because he’s my mate.

Or, he was, anyhow.

Chapter 343

But he rejected me, and I accepted it.


Shouldn’t the feelings and pull we have toward one another either diminished or disappeared altogether?

I don’t get what keeps drawing us together in those moments when the rest of the time we can’t even stand one another.

Once I get sick of my brain going around and around in circles, I get up and see that Axel has left me a tray with dinner on it.

However, it’s grown cold, so I decide to take it down to the kitchen

to heat it up.

very hungry, but I know that I’ll


stairs, I see Jessica rushing around, and she seems to be

where she’s in such a rush to go at this

of night with all that stuff, or


to do with the phone call


Chapter 343

she says, looking

reply, setting the tray aside, food forgotten. “Has


and now that I’m looking more closely, I can see she’s pale and a little scared.

grabbing her arm. “Should we be

head. “Roberts. pack. Their security is good, Aaron has upgraded it since he become Alpha. But they weren’t prepared for something like this.”

almost feel my lip curling in disdain.

instinct is to say good, I

myself that the Roberts pack itself aren’t to blame


a deep breath.

ask Jessica, and she stares at

not expecting me to offer my help.

she was probably expecting me

care what happened to Roberts‘

Chapter 343



enemy for

beginning to see what Aaron meant when he said

during the time

Aaron and Axel kept telling me–even if the way they told me was harsh that maybe

and even Leah as my Luna


hurts that we lost our parents to a senseless

own captivity at the hands of the old Roberts Alpha and his son Liam is going to take years for me to recover

toward the Roberts pack will only

would have been women and children and wolves

no part in what happened to

attacked, suffering, dying.

human for that


the vampires are trying to ignite a new

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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