Chapter 345

I can’t bring myself to name what I’m feeling.

If I do, it’s putting too much power behind the emotion.

“Axel, why did you break the bond?”


I didn’t mean to blurt that out, but once the words are out there, I

watch him flinch.

But he keeps walking.

Axel?” I try again.

He doesn’t answer right away, and I swallow down the lump in

my throat. But I don’t turn back. I follow him into the annex. To the

far end, pushing into the bathroom after him and not caring if he

wants his privacy or not.

He washes himself in the sink. The blood sluicing off his arms and


I wait as he cleanses away the remnants of the fighting. I want to

help him. To take the towel from his hand and care for him myself,

but I know it’s not what he wants right now.

“Why, Axel?” I repeat. “Is it because of what happened to me?

Chapter 345

Because you knew I would be some broken, fragile mess?”


He hurls the last of the rags aside and steps forward. He catches. my upper arms, his expression fierce.

“I don’t think that about you at all, Emily,” he says in an intense tone. “I think you’re strong and resilient. I think you’re amazing. Instead of being broken by what you went through, you let it make

you stronger. Not many people can claim that.”

I let a wan smile tug at my lips.

Not many people have been through what I went through, and I

agreeing with Axel’s

time, looking

for the

for a second and I think maybe

me after all.


then he seems to give in to whatever thoughts are going


about you at all, Emily,” he says gently, pulling me closer still, holding me properly now, his touch tender. “Well, it was, just not in the way

Chapter 345


say, daring to lift my hands


I understood why. I live a dangerous existence. And I’m immortal. What good would it do to have a mate for a single, mortal lifetime, only to lose. her and then maybe lose myself in the process. How would I go on living and upholding the peace between wolves and vampires if I

never considered


sense why he rejected

both of us from the inevitable pain.

him in a quiet voice, and a hint

wasn’t all,” he continues. “I’ve

long lifetime, and I will no doubt make many

a mate, any of them could easily threaten or

in countless terrible ways.”

melts for him as I realize that

had been selfish, that

Chapter 345


person who simply didn’t want to be with

like I am.


reasons for rejecting me were the least selfish

up with.

realize it hurts that my

terrible position, and there’s nothing I can do


as if he


I nod emphatically.

I want to do is make your life harder, and

been doing these past weeks.”

Axel replies. “I played my part in


a hug, and for a moment, we stand

new trust and depth of

between us.

in my

Chapter 345


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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