Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot Ceo Chapter 246

Amy turned and saw Broderick, her heart almost fall off when she saw him, she turned to Ray and told him to not to make a sound. Ray nodded and remained quiet.

“Hey Broderick,” Amy walked over to him and was soon standing before him.

“The meeting we were supposed to have has been adjourned so I told my secretary to lead me to where you are,” Broderick said.

“Oh! Great,” Amy was very nervous.

“Where is this place?” He asked.

“Well, this is just a random place. I came here to…erm…” She shrugged and turned to look at Ray who had no iota of fear on his look, she looked back to Broderick and said, “to catch some fresh


“At this time of the night?” Broderick asked.

“Yes,” she answered.

“Amy, you know I trust you so much, what are you here for?” Broderick asked.

“Trust me, I came here to catch some fresh air. I assumed that the meeting you will be attending will take hours and seeing that the children were already asleep, I decided to come here,” Amy said.

hummed and said,” then I guess I should catch some

You can just go inside, I’ll come and meet you,”

nodded and walked away. After taking

from them, he hit the statue that was before him that it

I can now see,” Broderick said with a clenched fist. There was never a presidential meeting, he actually went to meet a special doctor who came all the way from Japan after hearing Broderick’s predicament, the man administered his treatment to him and luckily,

the room and then came back to Amy’s quaters only to find out that she wasn’t there. While searching around for her, he found her sitting with his

of cheating yet she was here with another man at this time of the

he felt pain, it’s not like he love her or did he? It was impossible

she had just feed him with lies. If there is an attribute that Broderick hates the most, it’s lies. He beleives that

on the bed. She had told him that the flower was given to her by Moses eventhough it’s a ‘flower of love and he believed

walked over to Amy’s quaters and went straight to the boy’s room, on getting there,

helped him to sit, it

from sleep. As soon as he caught sight of

tightly and said,” dad, I’ve

him on his forehead briefly

don’t leave us next time without informing us, please.”

informing you, it

wrong with you a few days ago, did anything happen to your eyes?” Moses asked. Although his sisters didn’t believe him when he said something could be wrong with their father, he had a strong conviction that Broderick was

perfectly fine, trust me,” Broderick said. Moses examined his father’s face worriedly, Broderick giggled lightly and ruffled

Moses then nodded.

school and about his brothers and sisters, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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