Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot Ceo Chapter 262

As he watched the mother of six lead the children to sit, his phone rang and he checked the caller ID, seeing that the caller ID was Irvin, he answered it quickly, “boss, leave where you are asap. There is a tracker in your car and they are tracing it.” Broderick didn’t have the time to ask him how he knows, he went to whisper to Amand said,” there is an urgent meeting at the presidential lodge, have fun with the kids.” Then he kissed her cheek. 

Amy smiled and said,” okay, come as soon as you are free, okay?” 

“You and the kids are what I live for now, any of my free time will be dedicated to you,” Broderick said and looked at the kids,” I love you all.” 

We love you too, dad. Bye!” The kids waved at him and he waved back. He walked towards the door calmly as if he was not in hurry, once he walked out, he closed the door and ran speedily to where his car was. 

On stepping in, he started the ignition of the car quickly and used all the strength in his leg to match on the accelerator, the sport car sped off like wind. 

As he drove through the empty streets, he suddenly got to a junction, there was a tied road that leads to the left and an untied road that leads to the right. 

While wondering which he should turn to, he heard sounds of cars behind him and on looking through the front mirror, he saw many cars coming after him. 

He turned to the right, through the untied road and began to drive as fast as he could while the dust of the roads kept 

flying in the air. 

The two hillixes behind him also followed suit and sped as much as they could. 

Broderick drove towards an old and abadoned house and immediately stepped out and ran inside the house then locked the door. 

The two hiluxes behind him stopped before the old and abadoned house and the soldiers stepped down. 

Since these soldiers were not citizens of North Hill but of different countries, many of them couldn’t speak English not hear unless they have an interpreter doing the job for them 

Unfortunately, all the twelve soldiers here couldn’t speak English language so no interpreter could help. 

They spoke in their language demanding for Broderick to step out. They weren’t even with gun but were with other ammunition for safety. It’s not as if Broderick commited an offence, they just wanted to know where he went to at this time of the night since Lucifer had told them all to keep eye on all his movement. 

One of the soldiers shouted in their languge out of frustration telling Broderick they didn’t intend to hurt him. 

Broderick peeped through the small hole in the door and after confirming that they were not with guns, he stepped out. 

One of the soldiers spoke to his phone so that google transaltion can help him translate all he said. Once all he said was on the screen of his phone in English Language, he threw  the phone to Broderick, 

 were asking why he was running and that they only wanted to know where he went this night and that he better tell them or they will be

used the same phone to speak English Language and set the transaltor to their language, saying, “This is my country yet I’m being treated like a slave. My most precious beings are safe and at this moment, the fight for freedom starts.”

the phone back to the same soldier who had thrown the phone to him. The soldier was expecting a corporation from Broderick but reading what he said angered him. He gave

the soldiers charged towards Broderick in order to hit him in the face as he thinks he was enough to deal with Broderick. It’s only people in North Hill who knows Broderick

before he could make a move, the man almost coughed

were beyound angry. They immediately regret not coming here with their guns otherwise, they

defeated them all in ten seconds. Seeing all the men bleeding on the

I will take you back from my

most dangerous beast in the forest. Remembering how he was taken to prison for twenty four hours

across to Nolan and he answered it,

laughed, “Expect

North Hill, you are still a slave to Lucifer and I,”


starving night and

laughed angrily, ”

had ran mad, “Man,

the last time, release him and I’ll let you die an easy death.”

anger,” i’ll make sure you sleep behind bars for seven days without food or

threatening him, “I’ll do as you have said. Infact, I will add seven more days to his  punishment. By the time he’s done starving in the prison for fourteen days and forteen nights, he will realize that we are truly his leader and that he’s just a slave who has no power

asked,” dad, is anything wrong?”

in the presidential lodge to know

Are we coming back here?” Moses asked.

Broderick said ,”but i’ll come over to meet with you guys

asking their father all sort of questions until he parked at

soon stepped down with the kids and when he appeared at the

knocked severally but got no response

Hope these people haven’t

the call was almost coming to an end before she answered it, “Broderick!” She said with a

I’m before the house I told you to stay,”

said and a few minutes later, the door opened and Amy immediately jumped on Broderick as soon as he saw him.

to see how loving their parents had grown

of eight walked inside the house.

her kids one after the other while squatting to their level, she was examining their face to be sure nothing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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