Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot Ceo Chapter 264

Broderick didn’t stop running until he got to C50. C50 is a place in North Hill, preferably a secrete place for some sets of rich and powerful men. There were many who don’t make their money legally and hence, all sorts of killing and illegal buying and sellings happens over here. 

Once Broderick walked in, he was unsurprised at the bloods flowing around. He, Callan and Michael registered here many years ago and do come here regularly for occultive business before he personally opted out of the cult. 

He ran towards where the illegal private jets that are always available there and ran into the pilot’s seat. Piloting was a skill that must be learned if anyone would join this cult and he alongside Callan and Michael learnt it then. 

He started the ignition of the jet and immediately began to move it, it went forward for a while before it picked up and 

started flying in the air. After fifty five minutes of flying, the jet appeared at EastHill, Broderick drove the jet in the air until it was on top of EastHill’s palace. 

He threw four bombs into four strategic places before driving away. When he arrived at the backend of EastHill, he landed the jet carefully and stepped down quickly then stopped a random man on powerbike, paid him an huge amount of money that can buy thrice of his power bike, climbed on it and drove out of EastHill through road. 

The entire EastHill immediately became chaotic, Nolan was also affected as he was near where the second bomb was thrown. Nolan had immediately taken to the Palace health center while other soldiers who suffered severe injury were immediately being carried for treatment. 

When the news of what happened at EastHill reached Lucifer, he needed no one to tell him that this was the handiwork of Broderick Alessandro. He sent more soldiers over to East Hill to find the whereabout of Broderick but after twenty four hours, he didn’t get any positive feedback. 

Lucifer was frustrated as his men couldn’t find Broderick all over North Hill and EastHill. Nolan on the other hand had been on sick bed. As for Brett, he was still in the secrete dungeon. 

Broderick arrived at a less developing country amidst the countries that surrounded North Hill. The country was South Hill. There was not many modern technologies available there so he was sure that it will be impossible for them to track him here. 

number to be sure she and the kids were safe, once Amy answered the call, he spoke,” Amy, are you

is that you?” Eventhough she can recognize Broderick’s voice even in the

are you and

of the house as you have instructed and we have not been found, luckily. Where are

where I am cause the call may be tracked soon. I’m

you so much. Will you

out, once Brett is safe, I’ll find a way to bring you and

really safe then, I can’t wait,” Amy said and quickly added,” I love

Broderick said and hung the call up then went

over their face,” what’s wrong?” Amy asked with a heart that was now throbbing quickly.

house and they had Queen with them,” Debby said.

twice and saw over a hundred soldiers before

beholding the person, it turned out to be Lucifer, “where is my daughter?” Amy asked

one, should you be bothered?”

I have hundred kids, I can’t let you take

Broderick?” He

they had traced the call that Broderick made to her to find out

me see my daughter first?” She

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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