Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot Ceo Chapter 266

“One of things I adore the most about you is that you are always confident no matter how severe the situation is.” Amy said. 

Broderick smiled, “Let me get you to sleep then I can leave.” 

“When did you plan on getting us out of here?” She asked. 

“In twenty four hours. Just don’t panic, no matter what happens, okay?” He asked and Amy nodded. 

He helped Amy to lay on the bed then sat beside her, Amy even laid her head on his lap while praying for all these obstacles around them to die down soon so they can live a happy ever after. 

It took almost an hour before Amy eventually fell asleep, Broderick placed his head down gently and then stood and walked out. 

He took his time to survey the entire prison and other cops who saw him didn’t suspect anything, they thought he was only on patrol. 

Seven hours later, Broderick stood before eighht thousand men in the underworld. 

He had divided the men into groups and had told each groups which part of the country to attack. He chose the smartest 

group with him and assigned them to attack the prison. 

die should raise his hand?” Broderick asked in

their hand. This was what all of them are

said and Irvin made a gesture that made everyone began to walk

around where they were to attack and pretend to be civilian

He hasn’t been able to see

the air over to

in a reserved office at P Prison while the cops went to bring Amy and the kids. In a jiffy, Amy


that I’m

have always loved you. Why did you think I’ll ever be happy for your

kids back to EastHill.”

drug me again?” Amy

still love you. I know you could not have done something like that yourself,

wrong by bringing you here without your consent but Amy, try to

Amy said. “And…I don’t like you anymore. The only person I like and love is the father of my children, Broderick Alessandro. He may be harsh,

Nolan said with a

my decision.”

is no one that can get you out, you know this, right?” Nolan asked. “It’s either you follow me back to East Hill where you and the kids will be able to live a very comfortable life than to be inside a cell with your six kids. These cell can barely contain

stood and told one

her kids can’t be comfortable for her yet she chose to stay here. He then placed a call across to Lucifer, once he answered it, he said, “Lucifer, I think

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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