Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot Ceo Chapter 268

“It‘s too risky, bro… What if we get shut? Since you already came over with thousands of men, they should be able to deal with it,” Nolan said.

Lucifer smiled,” you seem scared of Broderick.”

“At this point, I must admit.” Nolan said

“I‘ll end Broderick, this, I assure you,” Lucifer said but his phone rang after he said this.

Seeing that it was his head of soldiers at West Hill, he immediately answered it,” what?” He asked.

“My king, the palace is on fire and so many places are being destroyed,” he said making Lucifer‘s heart almost fall off.

“What are you talking about?” Lucifer asked.

“Some men came over with jets flying in the air and started to throw bomb everywhere, even me…” This was the last word he said before Lucifer heard a loud blast.

“Fucking Broderick!” Lucifer shouted.

“What‘s wrong?” Nolan and Martha asked at the same time.

 don‘t know how he knew that I have left WestHill with many men, his

 a lot of golds inside my palace, is this how I‘ll loose them all,” Lucifer sunk

into a drop dead silence as the three adults in the

written all

 flying the jet in the air alongside his men, happily throwing big bombs all over West Hill, he was even laughing and then said to

 the other end, Broderick said,” those who don‘t know about Broderick Alessandro are those who don‘t

 first big hall in the underworld that he was standing,” My name is

underworld who had returned untouched and unharmed to the underworld all echoed.

 to get my boy out.” Broderick was

 heading to and told her not to worry or fear as the underground world is the safest for anyone

to East Hill however, there were men at

lost a bird and some men but had to return back. EastHill was

his soldiers had landed, they all returned back to the underworld but it was late


frustrated manner, although his wife and kids were here, Brett was also very important to

 to get Brett out first before he would get rid of Lucifer and Nolan. Unless he sees Brett, he would

 the bath then laid beside him, Amy immediately hugged him out of fear, she mumbled, “save me?” But her eyes were

 a nightmare so she cuddled her tenderly and said,

 jiffy, he also fell

a result of the non stop shooting and bomb. A country with over five million population including male and female now remained less than 300,000. Even the three hundred thousand people that left are those in the rural part of WestHill where

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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