Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot Ceo Chapter 276

Lord Douglas knew that if he received one over ten of the beatings given to Nolan, he wouldn’t survive it. Hence, he quickly spoke out,” Nolan told me that Lucifer called out some numbers before he was incapacitated to talk but he mentioned the word – underworld- So I assumed that it was the code to unlock the por tal that leads to the underworld and since I know the address, I secretly told Nolan to send Amold over there.”

“You are against your own grandson?” Broderick said and added,” I still respect you eventhough you don’t deserve respect anymore. But when next you come against me, I won’t be merciful.”

Broderick glanced at Nell indifferently then commanded for Nolan to be bundled after him after which he walked out.

His men drove him over to the underworld but as they ap proached the portal that leads to the underworld, they saw a lot of soldiers standing at alert with guns in their hand.

Broderick had to tell his men to stop when they were almost at where they were. After a few seconds, Amold came to stand before his men and said,” Broderick, it’s unpleasant meeting you for the first time.”

“Fuck the formalities, where is my wife and kids?” He asked.

“They are all arrested. Where is my brother?” Amold asked.

Broderick ordered for Nolan to be revealed and he was made to kneel before Broderick. He looked extremely exhausted plus all his face were so swollen that he could barely see nor talk.

“Did you made him this way?” Amold asked in anger, seeing his brother brutalized this way hurts him so much.

“He made himself this way. Now that I’ve shown you your brother, bring me my wife and kids,” Broderick said.

Amold made an order and someone was immediately pushed forward, this person was Irvin. He had been handcuffed to the back but hadn’t been beaten yet.

Then another person was pushed forward and it was Brett, he was also handcuffed and even had his mouth gagged.

two people that are closest and most loyal to you, right?” Amold asked but Broderick didn’t say

are with me. That’s a sum of nine lives, but you only have

did you want?” Broderick

he walked over to the portal and said,” the only people inside this portal is your wife and kids and I have set a time

this moment but he

you want?” Broderick

you and Nolan only to

Amold said.

“What for?”

don’t have to explain to you, that’s all

think about why he wanted him and Nolan to go inside

Irvin and

your soldiers outside of

Amold said.

He was wondering

will nev er be able to. But Brett will still remain with me, I know

his time and saw that there was only five minutes left for the bomb that Amold

“Okay.” Broderick agreed.

was re leased, he ran to Broderick and knelt

tried to withstand them but they were too many and



I’ll find you,” Broderick said and added, “keep the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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