Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot Ceo Chapter 279

They both went back to NorthHill with a lot of soldiers and fought with the COB and his soldiers for two days. Broderick lost a lot of soldiers but eventually, he won and restored democracy back to North Hill.

He didn’t appoint himself as president, instead, he let the people of North Hill vote for the person they thinks fits to be their leader. At the end, someome emerged as the president.

When Broderick returned home the third day, he was so ex hausted. After he had bathed, he went to lay on the bed tiredly and when he was about falling asleep, a message popped up in his phone and he immediately checked, seeing that the sender was Nolan, he adjusted upright and read,” you may think you have won but don’t forget that your boy is still with me.”

Of course he didn’t forget Brett and sincerely, he feels so bad for Brett. It must have been so tough on Brett to be in Nolan’s custody all these years but attacking EastHill at this moment would be more like a suicide mission cause the four corners of EastHill is heavily guarded.

While Broderick was in deep thought, the door opened and Amy appeared.

“Baby,” Amy smiled and went to sit beside him. She was so happy that Broderick was able to restore peace and order in Northhill. All these while, everyone has been living in chaos, North Hill was devoid of peace and order but now that democracy has been restored, the market women can now resume going to market for sales of their goods, supermarket, hospitals, banks can now continue operating fearlessly and in full capacity. Also, North Hill had been heavily guarded just in case any outside country try to invade them.

Amy pecked Broderick in the cheek but realized that his mood was sour, her smile dissapeared and she held onto his

hand,” Broderick, what’s wrong?” She expected that since every thing seems well now, what they should be thinking about now is their marriage. Afterall, it seems they were about to experience the happy ever after that she had always wished for.

“If Brett dies, I won’t forgive myself until I die,” Broderick said in a versad tone.

Amy’s mood became even more flattened, “I really feel so sorry for Brett but how can we save him?”

“At this point, it’s almost impossible,” Broderick said,” the security around EastHill are ever at alert and guarded.”

read about the rigid structure of security

can’t be truly happy unless Brett

about I make a request for

he would ask for something in return, don’t you

I’m sure of. I’ve grown to realized that no one really helps another for free, there is always an hidden motive. But I

is no other way to get Brett out unless Amy pretend to compromise to



willingness to help him. If they can get Brett out, then his happiness will be complete. All he has to do is to

marriage, we’ll have the biggest marriage in town once our

have our wedding on

right, isn’t that beautiful?” Broderick

quickly calculated how many days left to her children’s birthday and she realized that it was

can’t wait. It had always

be find a woman who would love me truly, despite my

to have you,”

and hugged him dearly, “you need to

thought of a way to make Nolan release

he brings Brett over here, I can dump him and tell him I’ve just been using him. That’s a wrong

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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