Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot Ceo Chapter 287

“This will wipe his memory permanently.” Broderick said and removed Nolan‘s phone from his pocket then called Amold. Once Amold answered, he said to him, “Nolan is not feeling fine, can you send your men to come and pick him up

“I swear if anything happens to my brother, I will wage a war against your country,” Amold threatened and hung the call up.

About thirty minutes later, the five soldiers who came ear lier appeared and carried Nolan away.

Broderick had already sent Brett to the hospital leaving just him and Amy before Nolan‘s house.

Amy jumped on Broderick‘s body and shouted,” it worked.”

“Yes,” Broderick hugged her dearly after which they be gan to kiss right there and then.

All of a sudden, an heavy rain pour began but neither of them moved away from the rain, they continued kissing pas sionately as if they would have sex right there and then.

When the wind began to blow heavily and they were al most catching cold, Broderick lead her inside the car and drove away.

Whereas, there was a lady standing a distance away, as soon as she watched Broderick and Amy left, she received a call and once she answered it, the person on the other end spoke,” your mission still remains. Infact, I will now double your payment to two million dollar. You must get that bastard to have sex with you.”

“Okay, I still have forty eight days left,” Elva said and hung the call up.

She left under the shed that she was and got inside her car, from there, she texted Broderick on WhatsApp and said,” sir, I sent you a mail but you haven‘t got it, it‘s urgent, sir so I‘ll just send the documents here.” Then she intentionally added a video file that contains where she was masturbating.

plan was to tell him the following day at work

Whatsapp. He barely use WhatsApp, infact, he only has to install the app cause his children wanted him to. And the only people he chats with there are his six children. They even had

clicked on it and he read the message first before

naked, she was sitting before the camera and she had a dildo inside her pussy

tempting. He had no idea that Elva was such a bad girl. He thought she was inno cent. He guessed

think you send the wrong mes

on Broderick‘s chat, seeing Broderick‘s message, she immediately deleted the file (For Everyone) then sent the original file that she

so sorry, sir…please pardon me, sir,” that was

replied with a smirk emoji, then he

then she typed,” sir…I didn‘t mean to make you feel un comfortable. Please forgive

the video,”

She typed and added a

disobey me now?” He

sir, no sir….but …” This was the first message

okay, sir. I‘ll trust you and send

so hot in the video. I need to

a video call instead, sir?” She suggested with a wicked

around to be sure neither of his children nor


I don‘t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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