Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot Ceo Chapter 291

Since everyone had already eaten, Amy told them all to have fun and go to sleep early then she walked away from the living room. In a jiffy, she appeared at the balcony with a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Amy had stopped smoking a long time ago but this time, she couldn‘t help it at all. She needs the heat of the cigarette to burn her heart that was going through a lot of torture.

She lighted one of the cigarette and began to smoke. She had already locked the door that leads to the balcony so that her kids will not find her in this position.

After she was done smoking the first cigarette, she dropped it and smashed it hard, she was smashing the ciga rette as if she was crushing Elva. She matched it so hard until it crumbled to nothing.

She lighted the second cigarette and as she placed it be tween her lips, her phone rang. She looked at it casually and seeing that the caller ID was Broderick, she clenched her fist hard and mumbled,” bastard!”

The phone rang for a long time but she didn‘t answer it.

She just kept smoking, Broderick called twenty two more times but she didn‘t answer it.

Whereas, Broderick left Elva‘s house after ensuring that she was well cleaned. He didn‘t feel like fucking her this time but they however watched a fifty five minutes comedy video together after which he went home.

He felt like he found a better friend and someone he could confide with in Elva. Infact, as he drove home, he could not stop thinking of how innocent and gentle Elva was. If Elva was a vile woman, she would have fought Amy back after she poured wine on her.

“Such a gentle woman,” he mumbled to himself with a smile as he drove home.

immediately walked inside the room that he and Amy shares but he didn‘t find her there. He went to the kid‘s room but didn‘t see any trace of the kids. He became worried immediately and searched

the call. Broderick searched

became troubled.

hotel angrily, could she have left with the kids?

Amy the phone?” He didn‘t bother asking if Amy was with her, he knew she

now live

angrily and stopped managing her company

didn‘t even respond to her message. She had texted Amy because she knows

know where Amy could

don‘t have anything to do with Amy any more and please don‘t

tortured in the heart. Brett was just recovering and he

said to him,” Irvin, I can‘t find Amy and the kids at home anymore. Did you know where they

tell you anything

expect for her to leave home with

you checked her

up at once. A couple of seconds later, Irvin‘s message containing the address of Amy‘s mansion came

drove to the mansion. Once he stepped down from his car, he saw Amy‘s car parked. He could tell that Amy was here

then walked to the door and rang the bell, how ever, there was no respose. He rang the bell persistently for a long

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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