Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot Ceo Chapter 320

Broderick continue to sob for so many hours, again, he could guess that the person who did this was Michael. He

knew he wasn’t safe here but even if he was going to leave, he has to take the dead body of his grandmother along so she can give her a proper burial.

But how safe is North Hill for him? No matter how unsure he was about the state of North Hill, he still had to leave.

He carried the dead body of his grandmother in a bridal style and began to carry her outside even as the tears on his

face litered the woman’s body.

As he opened the door, he saw someone running towards the door, he wanted to drop his grandmother so he can de-

fend himself but a familiar voice stopped him,” boss! Boss!”

Broderick waited until the figure appeared and it turned out to be Brett.

“Boss!” Brett had goosebumps all over him on seeing Broderick and he cried. He thought that Broderick had died.

“I’m so happy to see you.”

Brett immediately collected the dead body he was carry-ing from his hand and said,” boss, come with me.”

Broderick just followed him quietly and soon, they were all inside the plane.

“Who is that dead woman, sir?” Brett asked. The plane was yet to move.

“She’s my grandmother,” Broderick said and further ex-plained how he find himself here and the role of his grand-

mother in saving him.

“I think she sacrificed her life to save me,” Broderick said this as tears streamed down his face.

Brett barely sees tears on Broderick’s face. Seeing him cry breaks his heart so hard. He loved Broderick so much.

Michael is the reason behind all these calamities. He bombed the first plane I sent here,

through that plane. He is

He added,” he

is dead?”

Basically, Michael killed Callan, killed Elva and now killed your

death ever.” Brett said.

left Amy and the

saving you is more important. Plus I don’t think Michael will hurt Amy

to win her heart now that he thinks you

where Irvin

I found out he was kept in the


animals. Michael was behind this also.

to save you but Michael bombed them all and kept

to get him

thousand men protecting it and these men are all soldiers of Michael. Also, there are numerous soldiers of

loose more men, we will infilterate their midst


let me do it then. You can stay back,” Brett thought that it will be too risky for him

We are going to-


Broderick infilterated the midst of the men guarding the zoo. They were

uniform that the men were wearing. After much study and calculation, they walked

in a uniform for him to

cause the environment was quiet, Irvin was quick to

to deliver a uniform to him

gate and then quickly went back to stay in


changing into a uniform that made him

padlock and opened the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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