Alicia's grievance and sorrow instantly flashed through his mind. He could feel that she was not deliberately not eating or unwilling to eat, but she could not eat. He clearly felt that she was helpless! It was necessary for her to take birth control pills when she was with him.

However, they had been together for a long time. Why would she react to it only recently and so in such a serious state?

Was it something that she had not taken before, or recently thought of?

Or was it a long-term accumulation that only reacted now?

"Hey, what are you thinking? Did you listen to me?" Carson asked.

When he returned to his senses, Frederick's thoughts were interrupted for a moment and he couldn't keep up with the rest of the conversation. "What?"

Carson rolled his eyes and sighed deeply. He picked the main point and said, "I said, if she takes too many birth control pills, it will lead to menopause!"

His words were in vain again!

"According to your understanding, would the pills give her such a big reaction after the first consumption, or was it an accumulated reaction to the pill? How often does one usually take a pill?"

Frederick asked.

"There would definitely be a big reaction after taking it for the first time. The body will adapt to it slowly in the future, and taking one pill per month is enough. Generally, there will be bleeding from day 6six to twelve after taking the medicine! There are countless other reactions, such as stomach pain, headache, swelling all over the body, and chest pain. All of these are normal..."

While explaining, Carson suddenly realized something. "What did you think of? Is there any problem?"

With a light tap of his finger, Frederick's eyes fell on the coffee stains on the collar of Carson's white shirt. An idea came to his mind.

Was there anyone who didn't want her to be pregnant?


more precise, someone was afraid that she would

aimed at

his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his

"Frederick?" Carson called.

time for you to change your

you've changed your clothes, go to the ward! It's time for you to put your talkative character into

then turned around and walked out of the

at them for a long time. He didn't see anything unusual, thus, he turned to take a look in the mirror. "Oh, my, he was paying attention to such a

on the bed with her arms around her knees. She was shivering and looked very pitiful. Picking up the food, Frederick brought it next door to microwave it. When he came out of the room, Carson was on his way in with

reason why your body has gained so much weight has been found. Carson will give you an IV drip later, and you will soon be back to normal. Therefore, you don't

looked up in disbelief and turned to look at the doctor in a white gown

that you have to eat a normal diet, drink more water, and eat more fresh vegetables to ensure your nutrition is balanced and sufficient. Don't stop yourself from

explained, Carson added a record on the

times better than starving yourself! In

Birth control pills?

that she had eaten too much, but because of

trance for a long time. This was reasonable, but she couldn't recall

immediately. "You are lying to me, aren't you? You asked him to lie to me so that I would eat didn't

This is your

his hand, and the nurse quickly handed Alicia

body well before? As long as you continue to eat like before, your body will still be the same as before! If you starve

through the report, Alicia was still a little unsure. Although she had taken a blood test, she felt that since the doctors were all Frederick's friends, they could fake

all, she had worked hard for many


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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