Alicia walked up to it without realizing it.

On top of the black display case, there was a pair of butterfly earrings that were different in length. One was long and the other was short. They were cute as if they were dancing as it shone in the distance. For some reason, she was in a daze when she looked at it.

"Miss, here's your ring."

"Are you out shopping with your wife? President Callum, you are such a good man! Mrs. Callum has just entered the men's clothing store across the street. Isn't she looking for you? Had I known this earlier, I would have informed her!"

The next second, the man's expression changed. In an instant, he was a cat on hot bricks as he turned around on the spot.

"I'm sorry, I still have something to do. President Clements, let's talk again in the future!"

the things in his hand into his bag, the man walked quickly to the door. After

return this? I don't

penalty! That is a rule in our shop. You should know since you are a frequent visitor! Look!" the saleswoman answered. With this, she pointed to a sign hanging on a wall. Suddenly,

30,000 dollars?

paused for a few seconds. Then,

the saleswoman laughed in


straight inside. Soon, a manager took

pocket watch is quite aged. We are unable to find the exact same ruby. This is the most similar one. After being inlaid, we've tried to age it. We have even fixed the ring here. Do

the door. After a while, Alicia also walked out of the door. Alicia followed him from a distance. She walked behind him, but she did not

of thoughts and walked forward with a jumbled mind. In her mind, she really wanted to make things better for both of them. When she finally mustered her courage, Alicia looked up and saw that his tall figure had already entered the car. The next second, a

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