In the past, Mrs. Blanchard had always thought that Lindsay was kind and trusted her very much. At this moment, Mrs. Blanchard felt being cheated, and her face was very gloomy.

In an instant, Lindsay seemed to have returned to her senses. Only then did she realize that she was filled with anger and had forgotten her image.

After that, she did not make a sound for a long time.

Alicia took her mother's hand in comfort.

"I will repeat it again. I am not interested in Jeremy. All I want is to live a peaceful life with my mother. Do not disturb us in the future! As a woman, I will remind you again. Don't walk down the same path as I did! Do you really know him? Have you seen his parents? Have his parents agreed? He has even ditched a wedding before. Would he even take the engagement seriously? By this time, you'd better worry more about yourself and stop wasting time on unimportant people like us!"

After that, Alicia slammed the door.

Actually, these words were meant for herself. In the past, she had ignored all the red flags from him. She believed whatever he said. Now that she thought about it, she realized how ridiculous this so-called passionate love of hers was.

Mrs. Blanchard sighed again as she took Alicia's hands.

"Ally, now you know why your father and I always wanted to get involved in your relationship, right? Sometimes, even when a wronged relationship has ended, shadows from its past will still show up! Moreover it may affect you for the rest of your life! In the world of love, it would be best to not walk down the wrong path. Do you understand? Once you know it is wrong, no matter how difficult it is, you must forget about it, understand?"

"I understand, Mom! I am married now. I won't be distracted anymore!" Alicia assured her. The origins and meaning of her marriage did not matter. As long as it was there, she would abide by the rules!

"Good, that's good! I suddenly remember that there is a saying that goes like this. Love is a luxury in our lives. Having it is nice, but we are still living well without it, aren't we? Therefore, Ally, no matter what we encounter, as long as we are fine, nothing else matters. Do you get me? I only have you now. You must not let anything happen to yourself..."

In these years, her experience was really miserable. However, she could not give up. If she gave up, what about her daughter? "Mom,

careful! Send me a message when you


her bag and reminded her mother to lock the doors and windows. Only then did


drove to Jeremy's apartment immediately. In the car at the parking space, she took another bottle of water and poured it on her head. "What's

pulled Lindsay into the apartment and wiped her face with a

with grievances, and she

earth happened?" he continued

to buy you a razor,

hands, which were holding a towel, obviously paused. A strange expression flashed across Jeremy's face. Of course, Lindsay

witnessed that woman's misconduct with his own

underneath her skirt,

must have some feelings for her too! At first, I thought she must be in a good mood today, hence, I wanted to make things right between the two of you so that she

few drops of

very much and that I am pregnant with your child, I am doing all of this willingly! I love you so much that I can't control myself! But as long as you are happy, I can turn a

close to Alicia's company. Ever since that day, he could not help but go to that bank every time he had something to do with banking. Jeremy held her in his arms. "I'm sorry for your suffering! You've been wronged in the past two

always liked him. In the past few years, she had been very kind to him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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