As soon as Alicia got permission to go out, she felt extremely excited.

"Alright! Hubby, don't work too hard. Remember to drink more water and take a rest. Also, take some time to look at some greenery and the blue sky! It is good for your eyes! I don't want to disturb you further. Goodbye!"

With that, Alicia took a few pictures of her showing a smooching face. Then, she ended the call.

On the other end of the line, Frederick heard the sound of shutters as he placed his phone down and a smile appeared on his face.

After putting down the phone, Alicia packed up swiftly to head to the hospital. She planned to go to her mom's house after that.

When she was about to go change her clothes, she suddenly thought of the movie. She was instantly dumbstruck.

"Fifty Snipes of Grey?"

She was about to faint! What did she say moments ago? No wonder Frederick sounded extremely strange earlier on! What was wrong with her eyes?

At this moment, she searched for the name which she mentioned to him... "Fifty Shades of Grey"?

Fortunately, there was a movie of the same title.

She let out a sigh of relief. At this time, her phone rang again as she received a text. Alicia then played the movie but her eyes were on her phone as she checked the text out. "What? It's a useless advertisement again! It's so annoying!"

As soon as she deleted the message, she heard a strange sound all of a sudden. When Alicia looked up, an erotic scene suddenly came into sight. Her face turned as red as a tomato instantly, then she paused the video right away.

"What's this?"

She glanced at the title below and found that there was a bracket behind it. Her face turned boiling hot as she felt extremely embarrassed.


Wasn't it supposed to be a famous action movie?

her face with both hands, and she understood right away

is already so arousing from the start. How can I continue to watch the

this kind of movie with him?"

embarrassed. She turned twice on the spot and washed her face after that. Alicia then

sudden, she got the news that her father was in the emergency room. She

"Doctor Lewis, Doctor Lewis-"

into a man dressed in a white coat. Alicia almost fell to the

sorry, I'm

"Be careful!"


rid of him and continued running

rooted to the spot, the man, Marshall Clark, could feel that his heartbeat was increasing in speed. "What

first time seeing a

What happened to her?

in the direction

which emergency room her father was

where is my father? How is

please stop

fine! Follow me to my office and let's talk about it there! Please stop crying. I am most afraid of crying women!" He motioned her to walk into the room beside them. Then, Doctor Lewis poured

on him and gave him treatment just now. The result was not bad. Although your father hasn't opened his eyes yet, his consciousness has already recovered. His finger moved a little after I talked to him for

father is doing fine? He

choked on her words. Doctor Lewis shook his head and he felt

good condition! It's a good sign too! Miss Blanchard, it's your persistence that gave the patient the strength. Although I can't guarantee that the patient will be cured fully,

"Thank you, Doctor Lewis..."

shaken, Alicia couldn't calm down for a long time. Finally, Doctor Lewis brought her to the ward and allowed her to see her father through the glass screen. She reminded the doctor to update her about everything. After

not to worry about her father even if she couldn't pay a visit to him as he was

her mother would be frightened like her. If something bad happened again, she was afraid that she could not hold on any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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