Alicia cast her gaze down and took the food because she was hungry. She also did not want anything to happen to her health. Her ego would not be hurt over breakfast worth a few dollars. "Thank you!"

This time, she opened the sandwich first and took a big bite. She held it and ate it with relish.

As he looked at her, Jeremy felt bitterness surging up his heart.

In the past, she would only eat the eggs in the sandwich and take a few tiny bites of the rest. She had said that there were too many calories and that she was afraid of gaining weight. It was enough to taste it once and she would be adequately satisfied. She wanted to stay pretty to have his eyes on her forever.

But currently, she held the food preciously and ate like a child who had tasted a hamburger for the first time. It looked like she would even pick up and eat the scraps that fell.

The feeling pained him.

She drank the milk like how she had used to. She was familiar yet foreign to him.

Finishing the food, the corners of her lips lifted in content. She grabbed her purse and observed the dollar bills inside before checking the time on her phone.

"I think I'm fine now, when can I take the shot? I want to be discharged as soon as possible!"

She still had a lot of unfinished business!

With every look at her, he felt as if his heart was cut open with a knife. "Just a while more and the doctor will come to check on you! Don't you want to rest for a couple more days? Your leg-" "There's no need! I'm alright, it's just a scratch!"

A wound like this meant nothing to Alicia. In the three years, though uncommon, she had been met with these situations several times. She would have been hurt many times by now had she not been so hard on herself.

To her, any wounds and bleeding were better than r*pe!

If she had not gone through that much, how would she be so cautious and strong at present? There was a price to pay for one to grow! This was the lesson she had learned over the years. The only time she could not have avoided was with Frederick!

Until present, she could not figure out how she had reached his room that day. Nevertheless, it was not the worse thing that could have happened to her.

if she recalled something, she glanced at Jeremy. "Thank you

they had spoken to each other on peaceful terms

that she was calm even as she faced her old lover. He was like a stranger. Be it

her, Jeremy was entirely different. The feelings he had suppressed for three whole years came to the surface when she fell into his arms the night before. I

loved her to

instant that he was so sure of his

and released his fingers slowly. He took a

door flew open at this moment. "Excuse me, it's

let the doctor in. The nurse followed after, pushing a medication cart. "Doctor, am I okay

were terrible. She loathed staying for even a

took a look at the

keep hydrated these few days! Take care of the wound on

could not find the blood vessel


immediately, Jeremy shouted angrily, "What

really sorry." The nurse was clearly inexperienced. She paled instantly and was on the verge

"It's okay,

doctor gave a look to the nurse. After he filled up Alicia's details in the

being interrupted, the two did not converse for the rest

went for a shower after he returned but the time

felt extremely uncomfortable as if there were fleas all over his

he was on the edge of losing his temper every day. Everything seemed wrong to him. In the


to go back! I still want to go

time he took a rest, his mind would be filled with the same thought. He stood up with a glum expression,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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