Frederick returned to normal from the brink of going mad ever since he became sure of his feelings.

In the CEO office of Soaver International, he happily made a cup of coffee in the morning. Looking through his work schedule, his lips curled into a faint smile. Chet walked into the office with the morning newspaper and that was what he saw. He was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

He turned around and looked at the door. He was still in a surprised state. "Frederick, were you looking for me?"

He thought that there was something behind him. Why did he feel the chills on his back in the morning?


Frederick gestured for him to sit down before bringing over two cups of coffee. "Have you found the person I told you to find?"

"The person?"

Chet was confused for a moment but then he understood right away.

He nodded. "Huh? Yes, I've contacted a film director and found a stranger. He had worked as a background actor for many years and has some skills. The details are still being discussed!" He just got the call yesterday, why was it so urgent? he wondered. His efficiency was really forced to reach his utmost potential! It was not easy being Master Clements' personal assistant! "It's best if you can get it done by this week! Look over this matter yourself, I don't want any mistakes. Don't end up hiring a pervert or someone who can't even read, everything will be busted!"

He did not want to shoot himself in the foot. His dear Ally was clever enough!

"Got it! But Frederick, is this... necessary?" All this work was just to scare her?

"You don't know her, she's full of tricks! She can get herself into anything! There were two times that I happened to see this. One time at a car exhibition, an upstart harassed her for half the day! Dangerous people are out there, if I don't make her see and understand this, would I have to keep an eye on her every day?"

if anything that would

it again, he felt that it had to be done. Otherwise, her looks were sufficiently attractive even when she had not meant to flaunt herself. She

the brands will be coming over this week to look at the Global

the two of them moved

had packed her belongings but did

her a death sentence but he left her to wait, dragging out the torture

her phone lit

Hospital. Her heart dropped. Was it good news or was

still answered the call anyway,

"Miss Blanchard..."

up at the familiar male voice immediately.

phone rang again but she

was from the same number. She took the call and ranted, "You quack! What's wrong with you? Are you

instantly made her pause her action. She was silent for two seconds before asking in hesitation, "What is it? Do you want to trick me into making a trip

sorry about what happened the last time, I went too far! I didn't know..." Marshall trailed off as he thought, he

sorry. I hope you will

person, hence she replied, "I went too far

I'm calling you to

wrong with my dad?" She bolted up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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