Danica thought that Frederick would have changed the way he treated her after knowing the miserable truth. She stayed at home, waiting for Frederick to reach out to her. Surprisingly, there weren't any calls coming in. She was shocked!

How was that possible?

That day, Danica looked at her phone again and again. "Nothing! Not even a message!" she thought.

She feared that she was too aggressive, therefore she stopped herself from calling Frederick. But, deep down, she was as anxious as a cat on hot bricks.

Meanwhile, in the CEO's office of Soaver International, Frederick worked surprisingly efficiently ever since he made up with Alicia. Plus, several projects that had been signed smoothly further raised his mood to another height.

Returned from a meeting, he contentedly brewed a cup of coffee. He watered the flowers and personally trimmed the branches.

Entering the office, Chet couldn't help but glance at him a few times. Why was Frederick in such an elated mood?

Looking at the pot of jasmine Frederick was trimming, Chet felt puzzled.

"I have reviewed the financial report for this month. It is better than our expectations!"

"Great!" Returning to his seat, Frederick took out a pen and signed the document. Then, he handed the report back to Chet and said, "Good job! Reward those who deserve it."

Chet nodded. Before going out, Chet glanced at him again. It seemed that he was in a good mood compared to days ago.

"By the way, Crouch Construction's bidding has been enlisted! My guess is that they will win the bid. I have also asked someone to negotiate with Graham. The samples he gave us are indeed premium grade and his offer price was lower than the market price. When the time comes, if their products don't meet our requirements, they would have to compensate us. The Crouch family will suffer a big loss! I think they have gone crazy thinking about profit! They really are going all-in for this."

What a stupid thought! How were they willing to take such significant risks? It's a massive bet on their own reputation! Chet thought to himself.

let them be! The manufacturer who takes over will have to review again then. Just make sure they are not holding us back! Then, we'll be fine." "Understood. I used another

back to his seat with the coffee he brewed, Chet couldn't help but ask, "Frederick, you seem...

wanted to ask, "Is it over between

Chet, Frederick stirred the coffee.

up. Life seemed

could last like this forever, it would be really satisfying. It would be perfect

having a child, Frederick was

he wouldn't even think of having one at all! At

how intimate they were, their love bubble would still pop eventually. His parents were once so deep in love

the way how he and Danica ended their relationship had caused some lingering fears

do anything as long as he learned from his mistakes and never give up. However,

give him a complete and harmonious growing environment no matter

only consider having children when

hoped to deepen his bond with Alicia. Only then would

telling the truth?" What if she begged again? Wouldn't Frederick feel

happened to her but I can't let Alicia suffer because of Danica's misfortune. The best I can do is to

sympathetic but it was not Alicia's fault. Other

to Frederick's words, Chet nodded. "I admire you! You care

he was following the right person. Besides having a great sense of accomplishment,

made a toast with their coffee before taking a sip as if it

almost forgot! It is East Bannpool's tenth anniversary in a few days. They have planned large-scale activities for a celebration that lasts for a week.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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