Alicia remembered that when she was in kindergarten, no one dared to bully her because they knew that she had an unreasonable elder brother who could fight. Those who pulled her hair would either be warned or scolded. In worse cases, Nicholas beat them up.

Therefore, he had gotten into a lot of trouble for her. Sometimes, he even got punished by their parents.

However, Nicholas had always been her shield. Everyone thought of him as a rebellious punk. Even their parents punished him often but Alicia knew that he was kind and he would protect her! Moreover, Alicia never saw him picking a fight with anyone. He was just misunderstood.

He was kind at heart!

Alicia's school days were smooth- sailing because of him. Her classmates liked her and those who hated her did not dare to pick a fight with her.

There was a kid who liked Alicia when she was younger. He kissed Alicia and she cried. The next day, the kid was beaten up by Nicholas and his mouth was swollen. From that day on, nobody dared to take advantage of Alicia. In her first year of high school, a girl was jealous of her looks and put a dead frog in Alicia's bag. It frightened Alicia and she was sick for days. After that incident, that same girl often found some animal corpses such as snakes and mice in her bag and lunchbox. Finally, the girl couldn't withstand it anymore and got herself transferred.

He was rebellious and unlike any of his peers back then. Alicia thought so too.

Even their parents were not accepting of how Nicholas was. Martin, who had never resorted to violence, ended up whipping him. Despite that, Alicia was still close to him.

Whenever Nicholas got punished, Alicia would sneak some food and medication for him. In return, he would get her flowers and toys! No matter what their parents or others said, Alicia liked him. He wasn't home often but he always kept in contact with Alicia. Sometimes, he would check on her at school to see if anyone is bullying her.

But one day, he ran away from home.

From that day on, Alicia never heard from him or saw him again. From what she remembered, Alicia had not seen him since senior high.

two children. Flora did not want to get pregnant so soon as it might affect her career. Somehow, she only realized that she was pregnant after four months. Coincidentally, she was also

Nicholas's surname has

weren't great initially, therefore Alicia's parents were focused on work. They led this kind of life for many years. Later, Martin got lucky and became rich so Flora quit

the foster family. Even if Martin and Flora were tolerant of him, it was inevitable for him to get into arguments that distanced their relationship. As a result, Martin rarely mentioned him when he was outside. He had no


reason Nicholas became who he was at present. To prevent history from

to suture back


go home! Mom and Dad will be delighted to see

hospital, Alicia grabbed Nicholas by the arm.

tracks and shook

I go back looking like this? Ally, please don't tell them that I'm back, let alone the fact that you've met me! I

Instead of another disappointment!

Think of it as

promise me not to cause trouble anymore. Not to mention murder! You gave me the shock of my life earlier! I don't want anything to happen to you! Nicholas, it's okay if we don't have money. We can still work! Now you've only lost a finger, what if you lost a hand or

the thought of it and she couldn't help but choke

I just came back from a hell of a place. Why would I cause trouble

her and said, "I'm sorry

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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