With a miserable expression, Glenn fiddled with his pen as he thought to himself, "It's really not easy to speak with hidden messages!"

In the meantime, Graham was a little lost.

What did that mean? Did he do something that offended someone? He didn't recall having any conflict with Soaver International. At most, they were just business acquaintances that had meals together. Glenn drew a big pig's head on the paper and stated, "You have a 'good' daughter! I really can't help you with this. Please don't bother me anymore in the future!"

Glenn hung up the phone immediately after he was done speaking.

He thought that this must've counted as his mission accomplished. If Graham really still couldn't understand his words, wouldn't it be too pitiful for him? He had to lose several millions of dollars over this. Graham was still dumbfounded as he held his cell phone, and then sent away his lawyer. He still didn't understand, what did this have to do with his daughter?

He was the only one in charge of his company!

What went wrong?

In the living room, Donna brought out some fruit and saw Graham pacing around the house. "What is wrong with you? You have been so restless all night. Can't you sit down for a while? Come and have some fruits!" Donna Clark was Graham's second wife.

After she put the plate on the coffee table, she raised her head and saw that Lindsay was back.

"Well well well, our Miss Crouch is back. Why are you so gloomy? You look like you're bent out of shape about something! Gee. Come have some fruits."

As Lindsay listened to Donna's ironic words, she felt even more aggravated. She walked over to the table and picked up an apple.

"How can one person finish such a big apple? Why don't you cut them into smaller pieces? You didn't even peel the skin!"

After speaking, she threw the apple back onto the plate.

"Don't eat it if you don't like it! Your life is already easy enough, and yet you're still so snobbish!"

Donna was not afraid of Lindsay. She grabbed an apple then took a big bite. Even though Lindsay was adopted, she held the same status as Donna in the family. On the contrary, Donna's daughter, Nerissa Crouch, had no status at all in the family.

out to get each other. Graham was already infuriated and as he looked over to say something,

a 'good'

could obviously sense the irony in Glenn's words. However, Nerissa was a gentle girl who wouldn't have been able to cause trouble even if she wanted to. Then, it must be Lindsay! That

Graham remembered the scene he saw when he went to Soaver International earlier that day. That woman... Why did she look so much

this related to

sat on Frederick's lap as she

In the office?

really because of that

about it, the angrier he grew. As he tried hard to recall Alicia's name, he rushed over

By the way, does your boyfriend also have something to do with her? Tell me everything! Have you done

grew infuriated when

men everywhere and even seduced my boyfriend, she just made us quarrel! Don't ever mention this b*tch in front of me in the future! I was

Lindsay could finish her

you mess with Alicia? Did you know that she is Frederick's woman? Our whole family has to rely on him for our income! She

take on a big project? Aren't we about to make big money?" In the midst of the urgency,

was boiling

profits, they're all gone! Now, I have to pay

you go and provoke her? Go and apologize to her tomorrow and beg her to give our family a chance! If you can't make her accept your apologies, just keep begging

he raised his hand again. However, under Lindsay's gaze, he did not hit her again. He turned around angrily and

"Bah! You deserve it!"

Lindsay, then turned around and followed Graham up. "Oh, Hubby, wait

How dare you hit me and make me beg her

That was impossible!

a loud slam. Then, she felt her stomach throb in pain. In less than a second, cold beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. She

somebody help, my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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